Have you ever tried this program? How cool is it? I received a Christmas card from my friend Brenda who now lives in Tokyo, Japan. I was getting ready to send her Christmas card but couldn't make out all of her address. Brian pulled up Google Earth and we typed in what we knew. It pulled up the picture of her neighborhood. We could see the cars and trees and everything from a Birdseye view. If we would have had time we could have taken a whole tour of her neighborhood. It is so cool and we will have to try it once the children are in bed and don't need our attention.
I've suggested to her that she needs to start a blog. I loved hearing about the cultural differences in her Christmas letter. And because of those differences I bet there are a few funny stories that she could tell us. I would love to see pictures of the apples the size of melons. I'm petitioning Brian for heated toilet seats especially down the basement and in his bar. Think about it, if he had a heated toilet seat in the bathroom the women wouldn't get assicles when they go but they wouldn't linger in the bathroom either. Something to think about.
Back to starting a blog - Welcome Nicole and Monique I can't wait to see what is up in your lives.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas is Over
It's official, Christmas is over. We had our last Christmas Saturday morning. Santa came to our house. Jamison got his "Hit Ball" and wants to play it in the house. Not going to happen. I'm sorry to say he is going to have to wait till spring. He also received an Airport for GEOtrax that is way cool. Campbell got his socks that fit just the way he wants them to and he got his Star Wars AT-TE that he put together and has been playing with ever since. I got my cell phone with a text plan. There has got to be an easier way to reload my contacts? Isn't there? I know that Christmas should be a time for children but don't you just get depressed knowing all the stuff that you want and comparing it to all the stuff you didn't get? And mom dad so sorry about the stocking thing when we were growing up. If I wouldn't stuff my own I would not get anything. Men just don't think that way. Okay maybe it is just my husband. I think I could put coal in my stocking and he wouldn't bat an eye. I have 2 more cards to send out and then I am done with Christmas Cards too. I just received the addresses so that is the only reason they didn't make it out before Christmas. Now the winter depression will set in. Hopefully, we can get out a little more this winter so Cabin fever weight doesn't hit as bad as it did last year. Oh wait I have a Wii Fit I should lose weight this season. HaHaHa. We'll see.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Party Animal
I’m back to being a party animal! Just like in high school and collage. Oh wait, that wasn’t me, who was it? I have gone out Friday and Saturday the last two weekends. Even though I have gone out those nights I have not been out later than 10:30 any of those nights so does the party animal really live? Friday night I went out with the regular work gang minus Terri, she had a migraine. We hung out at Chasers and complained about the people we work with. Saturday night all of us braved the blizzard and walked 5 houses down to the neighbors for dinner and drinks. For something they just threw together they sure had a spread. With as much as I ate my secretary spread is getting bigger too. Did I ask for new jeans from Santa? If I did could you make them one size larger? Okay so I’m not a party animal but at least I am getting out of the house a little bit more.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Neighborhood Get Together Will We or Won't We?
In September we decided to have a Neighborhood progressive party. I'm not sure when we picked the date but we decided December 5th. Close to Thanksgiving I hadn't heard anything about it so I e-mailed one of my neighbors. I would have emailed all three addresses that I have but 2 of them have came back to me in the past. Tammy sent out the email that she couldn't do it the weekend we had picked. Could we do it one of the next 2. One couple couldn't on the 19th & 20th and Brian and I had plans for both the 12th and 13th. But lets see what I can do. I moved my night out on the 12th. We were good to go. Nope we weren't 2 other couples couldn't make it. Lets do a night out and have the progressive dinner in January. Sounds good to all. If we eat downtown we could meet up with one of the couples that couldn't make it and have after dinner drinks. Montage? Nope they don't have any reservations for that night. The Stuffed Olive? Nope they don't take reservations. Toad's doesn't take reservations but they should be able to get us a table at 6:30, and the girl we talked to was the nicest by far. We are going to Toad's and there will be 4 couples with another one meeting us after dinner. Then we get the e-mail that one couple has a sick child they might not make it. Then another one has a sick child and they might not make it. Are we cancelling yet? No we will play it by ear. The Krohns can go but the Roses can't. We get our table around 7. We had a great time. I felt like I really got to know Tammy and Juli more. I saw how tired 10 hour days at John Deere make you feel. Brady and Chris came later and Brady stories kept us in stitches for a while. We got to connect with the neighborhood again which we hadn't done since Halloween. The pictures above are the group that could go. The one with Brian is a little dark in front because I was taking the picture through a fence and the fence blocked the flash. But it came out better than Brian thought it would. Hopefully in January we will get the progressive meal together.
I Do It
Okay I'm posting my newest scrapbook page. You know how independent a two year old can be? At least twice a day I hear "I do it, Mommy." Whether it is climbing into the car when we are late or brushing his teeth or helping unload the dishwasher. Most times I let him help which is very hard for me because I want to get what ever it is done so I can do the next thing on my list. But oh the excitement he shows when he completes the project. This page has been in my "Page in Process" file since September but nothing jumped out at me for accessories. Then one day Natalie and I went to Target during our lunch break. We picked up a pretzel and drink in their snack bar (2 buck lunch how often can you do that?) as I was looking at my glass I thought this would be perfect if I can figure out how to do the circles. I figured them out but don't look to close because every one of them is smudged somewhere. But I love the page and I might do the design again some day.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Daily Conversation with Jamison
Every morning this week I have had the same conversation with Jamison, it goes like this.
H: "Guys get your boots on we need to go."
J: "I go to Wal-Mart?"
H: "Nope, you're going to Steph's."
J: "I go to Steph's?"
H: "Yes"
J: "Bull go to Steph's?"
H: "No Bull is going to school and Mommy is going to work."
J: "I go to Gra and Gragra Peters?"
H: "No you don't get to go to Grandma and Grandpa Peters house today."
J: "I want to go to Gra and Gragra Peters."
H: "I know but they have too much to do right now and I would miss you."
J: "okay."
Then we have this same conversation again on our way to Steph's. Jamison gets spoiled when he goes to grandma and grandpa's. They have lots of race cars and a big floor for him to push them around. He loves to go visit as you can see. I'm glad that he is independent enough that staying with them is an adventure. I loved staying with my grandparents too. Campbell would rather stay right were he is and sleep in his bed every night because then he can have all his stuffed animals with him. One of these days he will not want to stay with me either but until then I'll enjoy the homebody in him.
H: "Guys get your boots on we need to go."
J: "I go to Wal-Mart?"
H: "Nope, you're going to Steph's."
J: "I go to Steph's?"
H: "Yes"
J: "Bull go to Steph's?"
H: "No Bull is going to school and Mommy is going to work."
J: "I go to Gra and Gragra Peters?"
H: "No you don't get to go to Grandma and Grandpa Peters house today."
J: "I want to go to Gra and Gragra Peters."
H: "I know but they have too much to do right now and I would miss you."
J: "okay."
Then we have this same conversation again on our way to Steph's. Jamison gets spoiled when he goes to grandma and grandpa's. They have lots of race cars and a big floor for him to push them around. He loves to go visit as you can see. I'm glad that he is independent enough that staying with them is an adventure. I loved staying with my grandparents too. Campbell would rather stay right were he is and sleep in his bed every night because then he can have all his stuffed animals with him. One of these days he will not want to stay with me either but until then I'll enjoy the homebody in him.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The New Me
I did it! After 10+ years I went into the make-up aisle at Target and purchase a jar/tube of foundation. I know what you're thinking. You had a jar of foundation for 10 years? No, I didn't. I threw my last jar away a little over 10 years ago on July 13, 1997 when I realized the last time I wore it before that was on my wedding day in 1992. How do I know the exact date? I wore it to my brothers wedding the night before and didn't take it home.
So I'm growing up and going to wear make-up tomorrow. I'm trying Almay's Smart Shade . One of the reasons I quit wearing make-up was it took to long in the bathroom getting ready. You know blend, blend, blend so you don't have a make-up line. Moisturizer, foundation, and powder. This you just put on and it matches your skin tone. It has SPF 15 so that is another step I don't have to worry about. Will see how it goes though because I will also have to make sure I wash my face every night and I am a slacker about that more often than not. It's almay so it shouldn't feel like it is sliding off right?
On another note we have 23 days of Christmas shopping left. As of yet no hints from my nieces and nephews. Coal is looking pretty cheap at $.10 a lump.
So I'm growing up and going to wear make-up tomorrow. I'm trying Almay's Smart Shade . One of the reasons I quit wearing make-up was it took to long in the bathroom getting ready. You know blend, blend, blend so you don't have a make-up line. Moisturizer, foundation, and powder. This you just put on and it matches your skin tone. It has SPF 15 so that is another step I don't have to worry about. Will see how it goes though because I will also have to make sure I wash my face every night and I am a slacker about that more often than not. It's almay so it shouldn't feel like it is sliding off right?
On another note we have 23 days of Christmas shopping left. As of yet no hints from my nieces and nephews. Coal is looking pretty cheap at $.10 a lump.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bring Back the Tag!
I’m going to rant for a paragraph so bear with me. To all companies that have gone tagless. Do you actually know what tagless means? To me this means no tags in the shirt. To you it means moving the tag from the back of the collar to the side seam. Well, I want the tag back. Having my tag on my collar is a lot more comfortable than having it on my side seam right were I tuck my shirt into my jeans. If I forget to make sure and tuck the tag in, one of my friends helps me do it at work. When you tuck it in it lays flat against your back even if the edge starts to curl. If the tag is curled all the way to the collar, the seam is usually the same thickness. Not so with the “tagless” that tag on the side of the shirt has no rhyme or reason to how it lays. Since most people have more rounded sides you can’t get the tag to lay flat. Where are people more ticklish their backs or their sides? I bet 99% of you said side. Are you with me? Bring back the Tag! Bring back the Tag!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Christmas is coming
Did you guys know that we only have 44 days to Christmas shop as of Tuesday? I’m giving us all the benefit of the doubt that we are not shopping at the convenience stores on Christmas day. I have only bought 3 presents for a total of $3 so far. I’m a shopping fool aren’t I?
Seriously, I want to know what happened to me. I used to love to Christmas shop and would be almost be done by Thanksgiving. Now I don’t like to shop and am struggling to start by Thanksgiving.
My love/hate relationship with gift cards is getting bigger. How about you guys? I love to get them, they are easy to give but I hate to watch my nieces and nephews open them. It can’t be any fun as a kid to get a gift card, can it? As a teen it might be a different story when all you want is clothes or big ticket items. When you give them you never get to see what they get with them. Did they blow it on something dumb? Did they combine gift cards and get something they love and will treasure? As an adult did they save it for something special or did they use it on something practical that they needed? This year I told my brothers that I wasn’t giving gift cards so their children have to have a list. This might stress me out a little more but at least I will get to enjoy watching them open my present.
Seriously, I want to know what happened to me. I used to love to Christmas shop and would be almost be done by Thanksgiving. Now I don’t like to shop and am struggling to start by Thanksgiving.
My love/hate relationship with gift cards is getting bigger. How about you guys? I love to get them, they are easy to give but I hate to watch my nieces and nephews open them. It can’t be any fun as a kid to get a gift card, can it? As a teen it might be a different story when all you want is clothes or big ticket items. When you give them you never get to see what they get with them. Did they blow it on something dumb? Did they combine gift cards and get something they love and will treasure? As an adult did they save it for something special or did they use it on something practical that they needed? This year I told my brothers that I wasn’t giving gift cards so their children have to have a list. This might stress me out a little more but at least I will get to enjoy watching them open my present.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Election
Now I admit that I am happy the election is over. I was very tired of the negative campaignes that go on every year. I was amazed this year by the fact that the media was so hard on the second women vice presidential candidate. Normally, I can't tell who the media is rooting for they are usually fair and impartial. I think we saw a whole different picture this year. I think all of the candidates that promised a clean and positive campainge forgot the meaning of those two words.
My friend Kim stated in her blog that she doesn't vote and the link she showed validated why. I couldn't get to the link but I just want to say. I know the electorial votes do not always reflect the popular vote and based on this all that vote feel like our one vote really doesn't matter. But
Kim if you ever watch the HBO movie Iron Jawed Angels I think you will vote every time there is something to vote on. What these women went through just so we have THE RIGHT to vote is amazing (sorry I'm using that word a lot in this entry.) Granted, I think I will be doing the absentee ballot from now on but I will vote. Alice Paul and the others went through hell to give us that right. Wow, if school history classes showed this when I was in school I might have actually liked history. I also want to say that your one vote might not mean anything to the presidential election but your one vote can mean something to Walt Rogers, Jeff Danielson, Tami Winechek or Kerry Burt who all are still waiting to see who will go to the State House because the votes are so close.
My friend Kim stated in her blog that she doesn't vote and the link she showed validated why. I couldn't get to the link but I just want to say. I know the electorial votes do not always reflect the popular vote and based on this all that vote feel like our one vote really doesn't matter. But
Kim if you ever watch the HBO movie Iron Jawed Angels I think you will vote every time there is something to vote on. What these women went through just so we have THE RIGHT to vote is amazing (sorry I'm using that word a lot in this entry.) Granted, I think I will be doing the absentee ballot from now on but I will vote. Alice Paul and the others went through hell to give us that right. Wow, if school history classes showed this when I was in school I might have actually liked history. I also want to say that your one vote might not mean anything to the presidential election but your one vote can mean something to Walt Rogers, Jeff Danielson, Tami Winechek or Kerry Burt who all are still waiting to see who will go to the State House because the votes are so close.
Campbell Lost his First Tooth
Today was one of those stay at home and cuddle under a blanket days. With Brian at the Iowa game the boys and I were able to do that. We did leave for a little bit around lunch time. We had to go eat at Popeye's since we can't eat there with Brian. While at Popeye's Campbell and I were discussing his loose tooth. It's been loose since April. Now as a kid, I would have been wiggling the tooth with my tongue starting in April and it might have lasted until May. Not Campbell, he doesn't even like me wiggling it to see how loose it is. So we are talking about the fact that it is turned half way in his mouth and that he can push it 90 degrees so it is laying flat out of his mouth. I want to get a string and yank. Nope, not going to happen. Later I'm watching a movie, Jamison is sleeping and Campbell is playing a video game. Campbell comes out and says "Mom my tooth is out." I don't believe him, then he smiles. Now I know you are all waiting for me to say and I can see the big gap. Wrong, I can't see a big gap because his permanent tooth has been in for a month or more! Both his bottom permanent teeth have been in for a month or more growing in behind his baby teeth. This can't bode well for us and the hopes of no braces, can it? Nope, no gap but his teeth are red and he is holding that tiny tooth in his hand all proud. So tonight the tooth fairy will come to our house for the first time.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm Unique!!
I know some of you are saying so we all knew that already, Heidi. We all know that you usually are bopping along to your own drummer. And I have been all my life. This one time at church camp, (do you get it?) I received a mug that says "viva la differance" and that fits me pretty much to a T. But I'm not just talking about that. Today I received an e-mail from my friend Carrie N. called How Many of Me and you guessed it there is only me named Heidi Tressler. There are 3,116 people with the last name Tressler. Eleven Brian Tressler. I am of course, so glad that I am married because if I didn't I would be one of 71. Oh and get this of the people in the U.S.A. named Heidi 99.9% are girls. Would really hate to be that .1% growing up wouldn't you. Now the boys they have 1 or fewer with there name. I think that is because they are under 13. The website asks that by the way. Another thing that I found funny about the name Brian - 99.86% are boys. Sorry to all the girls named Brian. Oh and Shawn if you read this - your name has the lowest percentage of the name being used for a male at 89.29%, I really thought this would be lower for you. Dad there are the most of you at 518. We all pray that they don't all have your personality, or your secret keeping ability. Nicole I was out here updating just for you so I looked you up too, there are 528 of you!
I'm off to bed it has been a busy night. Supper of Godfather's Pizza it was fundraiser night. Wal-mart where I left my list at home and forgot half the things I need by Friday. Stories and bed for the boys, but Campbell read I just had to help with the unfamiliar words. I did the prep for dinner tomorrow night. We are having Sausage Noodle Casserole. I'll tell you if it is as good as the original recipe Sausage Rice Casserole later this week. Then I cleaned up my mess from the prep work and did my greasy dishes. So night all.
I'm off to bed it has been a busy night. Supper of Godfather's Pizza it was fundraiser night. Wal-mart where I left my list at home and forgot half the things I need by Friday. Stories and bed for the boys, but Campbell read I just had to help with the unfamiliar words. I did the prep for dinner tomorrow night. We are having Sausage Noodle Casserole. I'll tell you if it is as good as the original recipe Sausage Rice Casserole later this week. Then I cleaned up my mess from the prep work and did my greasy dishes. So night all.
Monday, October 20, 2008
What does Basic Mean to You?
Question for you all. . . What does basic mean to you? Let me give you my example. I have these long sleeve tees from Express that I love. They don't hug to close to your body, they are long enough that you have the illusion that they are covering your bottom. But they cover the crack problem that so many of us seem to have lately. I love low rise jeans but come on I do not need to see plumbers everywhere I go and some people don't even try to cover it up. So back to my example, these tees are from Express and are called Sexy basic Crews. I went into Express on Monday to get more colors and they didn't have them in the store. So I thought they are probably on line. Nope they don't have them this year. If they are called basic wouldn't you think that you can find them at least for more than one season? Basic to me means they are a staple and they will continue to have them until they have a year where they don't sell one single tee. Basic to me is Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup. I don't cook but I always have one can of this in my pantry. Now I have to look for another place that carries longer tees. The ones where I can tuck them in to my pants and they not fly out when I sit down. Any ideas?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hey Mom Look What We Have Now.
Picture Alert

So Saturday morning I bribed the boys (Jamison didn't understand this concept as you will see.) with breakfast at Micky D's if they smiled for 357 pictures. Okay. . . I know I did this wrong but we didn't get out of the house until 8:30 and Mickey Ds stops serving breakfast at 10:30 so I had to make a consession. I want to use one of them for Christmas cards and I had a feeling it would take a while. We headed out to Prairie Park. (Thanks Terri) I had scoped out spots the day before when I took a walk out there. Of course when I took a walk it was cloudier so I couldn't forsee all the sun angle and all that they take into account as a professional. I'm learning but could use some classes. I have 3 or 4 that I need to decide from. Then we have to drop Brian off at the airport to pick up his parents van and meet him out at their house. Twenty minutes after we get there he finally shows up. He couldn't get out of short term parking. (wish I was a fly in that van at the time.) The boys are having a blast piddling around so we let them roam. Jamison wants to have a ride on the motorcycle so Brian gets it ready and they head out. Then Campbell wants a ride. While Campbell is having a ride Jamison heads into the garage and pulls me along in there because he wants something out to ride. When I finally figure out what it is (the 50 motorcycle) I have to say no. I am going to have problems keeping a rein on this one. But while one was riding I was taking the others picture and I think they turned out pretty good. What do you think?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Who Are They and What Did They Do To My Boys?
Something funny is happening in the Tressler household this week. I'm getting a little suspicious that aliens take over the boys at night. Case in point 1. Campbell is like me go to bed late and become a bear when it is time to wake up in the morning. So imagine my surprise when the last few nights he has been announcing "Mom its 8:30 aren't you going to put me to bed?" Case in point 2. A usual night goes like this: Me "Jamison time for bed." Jamison as he runs around the kitchen island. "No mommy No!" Then I take him to bed crying until we start reading THE book. This week Jamison has been either falling asleep in the living room by 8:00 or he goes into his bedroom and hollars at me to bring his blankets. He doesn't even care if he has THE book read. By the way THE book is Thomas and the Naughty Diesel. He likes it because the naughty becomes good. He is still working on that himself. He didn't get a time out for pushing today. First time all week I think.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Neighbors and Friends
Saturday night we went out to dinner at the Tokyo Steakhouse with four neighborhood couples. These are the couples that we have had campfires with all summer long. The ones that have become friends. The ones I hope our children can grow up with. Good news: we found out we were not the oldest couple in the group. Close but not the oldest. That honor went to Kent and Laurie. The food at the steakhouse was good. The conversation even better. This group is diverse so there is no shortage of topics. The poor cook was trying to entertain us with his expertise with his skill and flair. We didn't see a lot, we were all in awe of the volcano but other than that I can't tell you what else he did. No one caught a shrimp in their pocket I do know that. After stuffing ourselves on dinner we left and headed to Tony's for some dessert and a final drink. The patio was a nice intimate area that we didn't have to worry about disturbing others. There was no one there. Thanks Kent for my chocolate fix for the day. Some had never been to Tony's so they were expecting it to be like the old Tony's on the Hill. They were pleasantly surprised and I think Tony's went on the list for another night out. Since most of us had sitters we headed home early. Those that had children still awake were going to start another campfire but both our boys were sleeping so Brian and I watched the end of Charlie's Angels and headed to bed.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Miss You Already
My last living grandparent passed away today and I miss her already. I remember her trying to teach me how to sew, because my mom wasn't very good at it. You could tell she just wanted to do it herself but she let me make a few mistakes. She always had cookies or a treat for us. After hearing us girls giggle for about an hour and a half she would come in and recommend that we go to sleep soon. I feel so fortunate to have seen her this last weekend and to know that I got to tell her how much I love her. I know that she is happier now because she is with grandpa but my heart aches knowing she won't be there when we go to Schleswig anymore. Grandma God Bless and tell grandpa Hi from us.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Bargin Shopping
I love a bargain. Don't you? This week I have found 3 and am so excited about them. Even though it is the end of summer next year I will be ready. Friday I was surfing and thought I would see if I could find the Born sandals that I liked cheaper than $85. I found them for $69 not quite cheap enough. I found them for $45 getting better and then I found them for $29.88. Score! The place I found them? Cabelas - the hunting and fishing place. Who would have thought. So today I went to Dillard's at lunch with Natalie. I found two 2-piece swimsuits for $38. One of the pieces alone was $82 at it's original price. Maybe I won't hate wearing my swimsuit in the lake next year. . . Yes! I will. It is still a lake.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Goodbye Summer
Here it is the unofficial end of summer and I am happy and sad to see it come. With most leaning towards sad. We have met some great friends in our neighborhood this summer and hanging out around the camp fire most nights is a great way to spend the week. The boys run wild with their friends and sleep like rocks when it is time to go to bed. Jamison actually sleeps through the night 3 nights a week now. He still gets up at 6 most days but I have had a few days where I actually had to wake him up to leave.
Since school starts at 8:45 my work day starts much later. It also ends much later. This makes me more organized for suppers that we eat at home about every other week. With school comes a tighter bed time and bath schedule. I know at least one week where the boys did not have a bath from Monday to Saturday. I don't even want to think if it was more than one week.
Shorter days and being cooped up in the house without seeing friends are two things I am definitely not looking forward too. I am also not looking forward to the cold Iowa winter. I hope it is not as bad as last year. The cold also brings along the sniffles and coughs that linger. Jamison is old enough this year that we shouldn't have a lot of missed work due to children's illness. But how much time will I be off because of school closing. Shouldn't be much because he can go to Steph's if it is in the morning or Brian can pick him up most days.
I'll get to scrap a little more on weekends and I will be more likely to post updates here. Goodbye summer we will miss you but we do have possibilities of happy times ahead as a family snuggled down for winter. We also are heading into my favorite season with the turning leaves and the abundance of apples. Halloween and hayrides are coming up for me to look forward to.
Since school starts at 8:45 my work day starts much later. It also ends much later. This makes me more organized for suppers that we eat at home about every other week. With school comes a tighter bed time and bath schedule. I know at least one week where the boys did not have a bath from Monday to Saturday. I don't even want to think if it was more than one week.
Shorter days and being cooped up in the house without seeing friends are two things I am definitely not looking forward too. I am also not looking forward to the cold Iowa winter. I hope it is not as bad as last year. The cold also brings along the sniffles and coughs that linger. Jamison is old enough this year that we shouldn't have a lot of missed work due to children's illness. But how much time will I be off because of school closing. Shouldn't be much because he can go to Steph's if it is in the morning or Brian can pick him up most days.
I'll get to scrap a little more on weekends and I will be more likely to post updates here. Goodbye summer we will miss you but we do have possibilities of happy times ahead as a family snuggled down for winter. We also are heading into my favorite season with the turning leaves and the abundance of apples. Halloween and hayrides are coming up for me to look forward to.
Happy Birthday Shawn
Today is my older brother's birthday. When I talked to him, he was grilling supper. I don't know about most of you but I don't cook on my birthday. I hope that I don't do anything on my birthday that I don't want to do. But then again, grilling isn't the same as cooking. While grilling you are outside and usually having a beer enjoying the outdoors. That is such a guy thing and Shawn is in his element. I know he went golfing also. Which is so Shawn you can't expect anything else. Happy Birthday Shawn may all your wishes come true!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Beautiful Day and Weekend
What a beautiful weekend this has been. We were at the cabin and I had more naps this weekend than I have had in the last month of weekends combined. I don't know what was up but if I was still for 5 minutes it wasn't me. I can't believe that I am awake now. I was in bed by 9:30 last night and oh it was so delicious. I admit I am a nap girl. My favorite time to nap is about 10:30 a.m. after being out of bed for 2 hours. Then I can scrap or read when everyone else is napping. I was sad when Campbell stopped napping but I can usually tempt him with a movie. Anyway I digress, I was going to talk about the beautiful weekend (and it's not over). The weather was a perfect 86 and if it was supposed to be humid I didn't feel it lazing by the lake. The nights were perfect for a campfire and s'mores. Yesterday the lake wasn't as crowded as today and I wasn't on a jet ski. Oh darn! I had Jamison on the jet ski this morning and he kept wanting to go faster. I had the Jet ski going 30 and he was laughing like crazy. At one time I thought he was telling me to stop so I slowed down and he looked up at me with a grin and said "faster". This is definitely not the child that should be on the jet ski with me. I like cruising at 20 and looking at the houses. If I get on the crest of someones waves I cringe. Before this summer I have not drove the jet ski in at least 8 years and didn't miss it.
Last night we took a night cruise. We had the radio going to the '80s classics. Jamison was dancing up a storm. Campbell even joined him for a song or two. It's kind of eerie watching those lights come at you on the lake. One green eye and one red floating in the distance and then you hear the sound of their boat. They might be talking and you can catch some of the conversation. Or they might have their radio going on a different channel and when you meet the songs blend like when one station is fading out and the other is coming in. You of course want to stay with the station that is playing that favorite song. Last night the song was "Life is a Highway" Campbell knows it from the movie "Cars" I remember when it came out and Tom Cochrane sang it. How old do I feel that they are remaking songs from my youth? Not as good as the original though. Luckily this was on our radio, and the boat we passed tried to find it on theirs. We tried a new pizza place and I will go back again. It shouldn't surprise me though the place looked like a dive. Why do dives always have the best food? We have one more day of the perfect weekend. As long as I get to scrap this weekend will be a success. Good Night all.
Last night we took a night cruise. We had the radio going to the '80s classics. Jamison was dancing up a storm. Campbell even joined him for a song or two. It's kind of eerie watching those lights come at you on the lake. One green eye and one red floating in the distance and then you hear the sound of their boat. They might be talking and you can catch some of the conversation. Or they might have their radio going on a different channel and when you meet the songs blend like when one station is fading out and the other is coming in. You of course want to stay with the station that is playing that favorite song. Last night the song was "Life is a Highway" Campbell knows it from the movie "Cars" I remember when it came out and Tom Cochrane sang it. How old do I feel that they are remaking songs from my youth? Not as good as the original though. Luckily this was on our radio, and the boat we passed tried to find it on theirs. We tried a new pizza place and I will go back again. It shouldn't surprise me though the place looked like a dive. Why do dives always have the best food? We have one more day of the perfect weekend. As long as I get to scrap this weekend will be a success. Good Night all.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
First Day of Kindergarten
I think we did very well for the first day of Kindergarten. He went in with a brave little face and I didn't cry. The not crying could have had something to do with the fact that we were almost late and Brian was along. He would have gave me so much grief. Yeah, we got there at 8:44 you heard me right. We were late. Big surprise there, isn't it? He came out at 2:15 with a bird on his head. It was his birthday hat. It was very cute. And new shorts. We had an accident in music. This was not tramatic for him. It was for Brian, I and his teacher. Everyone loved his pudding cups for his birthday treats. I was going to do popsicles but that would be cruel on the first day.
Day 2 we were a little sad to go back as we didn't have a friend. But he came home and told us all about it. It sounded like he had a great second day. Today was the first day they actually had play time before school and he didn't want to do that. He didn't think he would hear the bell. I can't wait to hear how today went. On Wednesday all the questions were confusing him and mixing him up. I get to start asking questions today. I bet I have more than 20.
Day 2 we were a little sad to go back as we didn't have a friend. But he came home and told us all about it. It sounded like he had a great second day. Today was the first day they actually had play time before school and he didn't want to do that. He didn't think he would hear the bell. I can't wait to hear how today went. On Wednesday all the questions were confusing him and mixing him up. I get to start asking questions today. I bet I have more than 20.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Kindergarten Registration
If you are a member or president of your local PTA group please listen. Have a separate Kindergarten registration day. We new to the school do not know what we are doing and all the information you throw at us is way confusing. The parent informational meeting they had in April did not tell me anything important I needed to know. How may forms do I have to fill out? And give me some most people, you know "Most people pay two months for lunches at registration." "Most people pay one semester of milk." "Most people don't have a break down because there is so much information thrown at them." "Ma'am most people don't sit down in line and start babbling like a baby because they can't make a decision." Have some patients for us Newbies all of you that are pros at registration. And to think I wasn't going to have children until I was 99, I would have to have a heart attack then.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Today is my mom's birthday. She is 44 which is pretty cool considering I'm 34! Boy do we have a lot in common. As a mother, I see more and more of her in me. Happy Birthday Mom!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Ode to Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Most of you that know me, know that all of the teeth I have are sweet teeth and that the boys have inherited this because I only ate junk food while pregnant with them. So this confession might not come as a big shock.
My comfort food of choice is not ice cream like in the movies but Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (CCCD). Specifically the Nestle Toll House Mini Cookie pack that makes 40 cookies. Not that I have ever made the cookies out of the pack but that would be an goal for some day in the future.
Any how here is my confession, I had a really bad Tuesday morning and happened to have some CCCD in the fridge so I threw it in my bag and after I dropped the boys off I had CCCD for breakfast. When I got to work I put it in the freezer so I could bring it home that night. I had Girls’ Night Tuesday so I couldn’t bring it home that night. Wednesday morning it was calling my name. I swear I could hear it from clear down the hall. I confessed this weakness and that I had some in the freezer to Julie hoping she would talk some sense into me. Nope she is an enabler. She has the same weakness and threatened to take my CCCD! Well, by the time she went looking for it after lunch. It was already on my desk and I had ate a row. By Thursday when it was gone Natalie and Bonnie both knew of my weakness and that I don’t share CCCD.
If I would figure the calories for the pack it would be more than 2000. A serving is 3 squares and that equals 3 WW points. One point per cookie. OUCH! That guilt doesn’t even stop me on occasion. It does get me to slow down some days! I have never eaten a whole pack in one day, YET!
Now it is Friday and we are doing the weekly shopping trip to the Big Box store. Campbell says "mom, we haven’t had CCCD for a really long time I think we need to get some. Can we?" Knowing I just ate a whole pack this week I said no. Oh the disappointment on his face!
And we come to today. I am ordering a Whopper Jr. and spy the sign for the new pie. I mean really you can’t miss it. The sign is right under your hand when you walk up to order. They also have one hanging down and if you are 6 foot or taller you could hit it with your head. The new Pie is Cookie Dough. It needs to be tried. Not like they didn’t give me crap at work for it. My review – it’s a teaser. Not enough CCCD to satisfy. Unless you pick it apart you mostly have whip cream taste. Another one not to waste your money on the Ground Round (if you still have one – ours closed the other day) Cookie Dough Bites – Um Hellooo if you bake it, it is no longer Cookie Dough it is now Cookies. And why would you want to eat square cookies?
I am looking in to starting the CCCDA. If you need to become a member please let me know. Our first meeting we will have CCCD to rate our addiction.
My comfort food of choice is not ice cream like in the movies but Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (CCCD). Specifically the Nestle Toll House Mini Cookie pack that makes 40 cookies. Not that I have ever made the cookies out of the pack but that would be an goal for some day in the future.
Any how here is my confession, I had a really bad Tuesday morning and happened to have some CCCD in the fridge so I threw it in my bag and after I dropped the boys off I had CCCD for breakfast. When I got to work I put it in the freezer so I could bring it home that night. I had Girls’ Night Tuesday so I couldn’t bring it home that night. Wednesday morning it was calling my name. I swear I could hear it from clear down the hall. I confessed this weakness and that I had some in the freezer to Julie hoping she would talk some sense into me. Nope she is an enabler. She has the same weakness and threatened to take my CCCD! Well, by the time she went looking for it after lunch. It was already on my desk and I had ate a row. By Thursday when it was gone Natalie and Bonnie both knew of my weakness and that I don’t share CCCD.
If I would figure the calories for the pack it would be more than 2000. A serving is 3 squares and that equals 3 WW points. One point per cookie. OUCH! That guilt doesn’t even stop me on occasion. It does get me to slow down some days! I have never eaten a whole pack in one day, YET!
Now it is Friday and we are doing the weekly shopping trip to the Big Box store. Campbell says "mom, we haven’t had CCCD for a really long time I think we need to get some. Can we?" Knowing I just ate a whole pack this week I said no. Oh the disappointment on his face!
And we come to today. I am ordering a Whopper Jr. and spy the sign for the new pie. I mean really you can’t miss it. The sign is right under your hand when you walk up to order. They also have one hanging down and if you are 6 foot or taller you could hit it with your head. The new Pie is Cookie Dough. It needs to be tried. Not like they didn’t give me crap at work for it. My review – it’s a teaser. Not enough CCCD to satisfy. Unless you pick it apart you mostly have whip cream taste. Another one not to waste your money on the Ground Round (if you still have one – ours closed the other day) Cookie Dough Bites – Um Hellooo if you bake it, it is no longer Cookie Dough it is now Cookies. And why would you want to eat square cookies?
I am looking in to starting the CCCDA. If you need to become a member please let me know. Our first meeting we will have CCCD to rate our addiction.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Pictures from Mexico

I just wanted to get these two pictures out this morning before we head to the cabin an I lose all Internet service. While we were trying to get a family picture with sunset background one night a very nice lady named Susie Craig was taking pictures too. She offered to take our pictures and e-mail them to us and Dirk's family. Dirk's family pictures came out excellent. One picture is just perfect with smiles and deep colors. Our pictures were a little off but you will see why when you check out Jamison's face. I don't remember what he was eating. I think it was raisins but how he got this messy from raisins I will never know.
Friday, July 4, 2008
The Rest of Mexico
Monday the guys got up and left the resort by 6 to go deep sea fishing. After 8 hours in the boat they didn't catch anything except some ZZZZZs. The Captain said it was to calm for the fish to bite. Most of the guys agreed that they could have came back after 4 hours of not catching anything. The boys, mom, and I went to the pool in the morning after we ate. We had lunch and then I took Campbell to Miss Lucy's Clubhouse where he was going to watch a movie and be entertained for a couple of hours while Jamison took his nap. They played games instead of watching a movie but he had a good time. When I went to pick him up he was throwing water balloons at three people on a surf board to try to knock them off. He liked doing that. Mom went to the spa for a manicure. I read a book and played Nintendo DS (have I told you how addicted I am?) We ate at the Buffet for supper that night. I liked the buffet the best of all the restaurants. But for the menued restaurants the Mexican couldn't be beat just like when we went in the Winter last year. Helloo, when you are in Mexico you should eat Mexican food not steaks!
This is the night we had a little scare. Jamison was sitting by the big pool kicking his feet in the water. Brian was standing above him. I was over on the other side of the deck looking for a weighted stick for Campbell or Luke to throw in the water. I look over and there is Jamison the water over his head. His little legs kicking like crazy. I yell at Brian as I enter the pool and he is in and has Jamison when I get there. Jamison starts crying as we get him out of pool. Then he sees Grandpa in the pool and wants to go to him. We should have named him Titan apparently.
Sunday night I was awake from 3 on because Brian shut the air conditioner off and then I could hear the refrigerator clicking and hissing. Monday night Jamison decides that at 2:30 he wanted to play. So I was awake from 2:30 until 4 when I finally got him settled down.
Tuesday we went and swam with the Dolphins. This was a lot of fun. Campbell would have liked it better if the water was a little more shallow. He was just a little to deep to be comfortable. with the waves coming in. I wasn't to steady on my feet either and I was holding Jamison so I couldn't hold him too. Our group had a little problem with saying ready, set, go but the Peters clan has never been named the most coordinated group. This proved it.
After the dolphins we went into San Miquel. Half our group was let off and the far end of the shopping area because their Taxi driver got money for each person they brought to that end of the shopping area. Our group was let off in front of the cruise ship mall. Jamison of course fell asleep on the way there. Campbell was with the group that started trekking. We were all a little hot and hungry. What to do? Mom took a tour of Senor Frog's and Carlos and Charles to see if she could find the other group. I planted myself by Senor Frog's car with Jamison in my lap. New plan. Brian would go look for the rest of them for an hour. Dad would sit on this nice quite bench and hold the sleeping Jamison while mom and I shopped. I purchased a Turquoise ring and an Onyx and Malichite pendant. Mom didn't get anything. We went back to check on dad and Jamison. There were now two guys in total Mexican attire playing xylophones about 5 feet from the bench. Jamison slept on. While we stood there the 2 guys left and here came a guy and girl in warrior paint, carrying a big drum and a smoking odurous cup. They started chanting and pounding on the drum. Here come another one. the finally you could here a block away and Jamison still slept on. Brian found Campbell and crew and then we had decisions to make. Where to eat. Roshonne wanted to eat at Carlos and Charlies so that's were Shawn's family and Dirk's family ate. Sorry that was just to loud for me to take the boys especially since at the end of the drumming Jamison had just woke up.
Mom and dad had some shopping to do. Campbell and I went to pick out t-shirts while Jamison woke a little more. We were heading to Margaritaville to eat when mom and dad saw a little out door patio bistro. Margaritas were awesome here. Super Margaritas. I couldn't even drink both my happy hour drinks I had a buzz after the first one. My food was good too. I wouldn't recommend the chicken fingers though. All their Ranch dressing had dill in it. Eww.
Tuesday night Jamison was over tired and we went out to the pool at 12:30 for a change of scenery. After 2 hours of screaming he finally went to sleep. He woke up again at 3 and screamed for another hour. I didn't know what to do for him or how to keep him from waking Campbell. I was ready to head out to the pool again when he finally calmed down and went back to sleep. We apologized to the people above us for keeping them awake with a screaming child but they didn't hear him at all. Wish I could say that. By Wednesday leaving we had 6 people that were sick at least a little. No one got sunburned on any of the other days just that first one. The flights home where good. We arrived in our bed at 12:30 a.m. Thursday morning. So glad I took Thursday off too. Thursday afternoon I fell to Montezuma as did Dirk. Mine lasted a day, Dirk wasn't so lucky. I heard his was still going strong on day 7. Ouch!
This is the night we had a little scare. Jamison was sitting by the big pool kicking his feet in the water. Brian was standing above him. I was over on the other side of the deck looking for a weighted stick for Campbell or Luke to throw in the water. I look over and there is Jamison the water over his head. His little legs kicking like crazy. I yell at Brian as I enter the pool and he is in and has Jamison when I get there. Jamison starts crying as we get him out of pool. Then he sees Grandpa in the pool and wants to go to him. We should have named him Titan apparently.
Sunday night I was awake from 3 on because Brian shut the air conditioner off and then I could hear the refrigerator clicking and hissing. Monday night Jamison decides that at 2:30 he wanted to play. So I was awake from 2:30 until 4 when I finally got him settled down.
Tuesday we went and swam with the Dolphins. This was a lot of fun. Campbell would have liked it better if the water was a little more shallow. He was just a little to deep to be comfortable. with the waves coming in. I wasn't to steady on my feet either and I was holding Jamison so I couldn't hold him too. Our group had a little problem with saying ready, set, go but the Peters clan has never been named the most coordinated group. This proved it.
After the dolphins we went into San Miquel. Half our group was let off and the far end of the shopping area because their Taxi driver got money for each person they brought to that end of the shopping area. Our group was let off in front of the cruise ship mall. Jamison of course fell asleep on the way there. Campbell was with the group that started trekking. We were all a little hot and hungry. What to do? Mom took a tour of Senor Frog's and Carlos and Charles to see if she could find the other group. I planted myself by Senor Frog's car with Jamison in my lap. New plan. Brian would go look for the rest of them for an hour. Dad would sit on this nice quite bench and hold the sleeping Jamison while mom and I shopped. I purchased a Turquoise ring and an Onyx and Malichite pendant. Mom didn't get anything. We went back to check on dad and Jamison. There were now two guys in total Mexican attire playing xylophones about 5 feet from the bench. Jamison slept on. While we stood there the 2 guys left and here came a guy and girl in warrior paint, carrying a big drum and a smoking odurous cup. They started chanting and pounding on the drum. Here come another one. the finally you could here a block away and Jamison still slept on. Brian found Campbell and crew and then we had decisions to make. Where to eat. Roshonne wanted to eat at Carlos and Charlies so that's were Shawn's family and Dirk's family ate. Sorry that was just to loud for me to take the boys especially since at the end of the drumming Jamison had just woke up.
Mom and dad had some shopping to do. Campbell and I went to pick out t-shirts while Jamison woke a little more. We were heading to Margaritaville to eat when mom and dad saw a little out door patio bistro. Margaritas were awesome here. Super Margaritas. I couldn't even drink both my happy hour drinks I had a buzz after the first one. My food was good too. I wouldn't recommend the chicken fingers though. All their Ranch dressing had dill in it. Eww.
Tuesday night Jamison was over tired and we went out to the pool at 12:30 for a change of scenery. After 2 hours of screaming he finally went to sleep. He woke up again at 3 and screamed for another hour. I didn't know what to do for him or how to keep him from waking Campbell. I was ready to head out to the pool again when he finally calmed down and went back to sleep. We apologized to the people above us for keeping them awake with a screaming child but they didn't hear him at all. Wish I could say that. By Wednesday leaving we had 6 people that were sick at least a little. No one got sunburned on any of the other days just that first one. The flights home where good. We arrived in our bed at 12:30 a.m. Thursday morning. So glad I took Thursday off too. Thursday afternoon I fell to Montezuma as did Dirk. Mine lasted a day, Dirk wasn't so lucky. I heard his was still going strong on day 7. Ouch!
45 Minutes
I have 45 minutes to myself. What shall I do? Read a book, pay bills, play DS? I'll update my blog first and then probably play Sudoku on our Nintendo DS (I'm addicted!) It's 4th of July and a holiday that I feel is for family and friends we are missing part of our family. Brian is up at the cabin having a little guy time. He says he'll be home by 6. We will see. We are going to watch the fireworks tonight at the Moore house. I have the brownies all made. Campbell and I tasted them and he gave them a big thumbs up. With me you never know.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sturgis Falls

Well, the annual celebration for Cedar Falls took place this weekend and we probably spent 3 hours tops there when we usually spend the whole weekend. Due to the flooding over half the activities were canceled. That half is the ones we go to. We did go to the Car Show today and they had an orange Thing there. They are such a cool car. They didn't have any convertible '65 Mustangs. Come to think about it they didn't have any convertible mustangs there at all. I think that is strange, don't you? Campbell and Brian went to the Midway this afternoon. I think they had a pretty good time. It sounded like they rode every ride they wanted at least twice and didn't have to wait in line. The best part of this weekend was going up to the cabin on Saturday with Natalie and her children. Campbell taught R and E how to fish. They both caught a little Blue Gill. Campbell didn't catch a fish this time, but he liked having others down on the dock fishing with him. It was a little cooler than we would have liked. I can't believe the kids went swimming anyway. They were good when they were in the water but while in the pontoon they were cold. Natalie and the kids were our first guests that weren't family. I hope they come up with us again.
Monday, June 23, 2008
This and That for the weekend.
I have now walked two nights in a row. Thanks Natalie and Diane for inviting me.
Campbell made some new friends this weekend. Saturday we were outside throwing Frisbee when next thing we had 6 additional children in our yard. They were from down the street and the parents were out side making s'mores. They invited us down to join them. By the end of the night Campbell was on the trampoline bouncing with the guys and wanting to go back the next night. We had to walk around the block to see if they were out playing tonight.
Sunday we went to the cabin. We now have bedding on one of the twin beds and parts of bedding for the other two. I have a pillow up there so I will be comfortable sleeping. Since Sturgis Falls has cancelled all the venues we go to we will probably head to the cabin next weekend.
It was hard going to work today. I thought I was ready but I really wasn't. I better go to bed so I can get up and go to work tomorrow too. Is it Friday yet?
Campbell made some new friends this weekend. Saturday we were outside throwing Frisbee when next thing we had 6 additional children in our yard. They were from down the street and the parents were out side making s'mores. They invited us down to join them. By the end of the night Campbell was on the trampoline bouncing with the guys and wanting to go back the next night. We had to walk around the block to see if they were out playing tonight.
Sunday we went to the cabin. We now have bedding on one of the twin beds and parts of bedding for the other two. I have a pillow up there so I will be comfortable sleeping. Since Sturgis Falls has cancelled all the venues we go to we will probably head to the cabin next weekend.
It was hard going to work today. I thought I was ready but I really wasn't. I better go to bed so I can get up and go to work tomorrow too. Is it Friday yet?
We made it to Mexico

First let me start this one off by saying "THANK YOU MOM & DAD FOR THE WONDERFUL TRIP!" Picture of Mom and Dad above.
So once we got on the plane in Des Moines we didn't have any other issues getting to our resort. We got all checked in were going to find something to eat and then hit the ocean or pool. We did and had a good time. Jamison the waterbaby was in his element. I think Campbell might have even gotten his head all the way wet. (Nope not the first day!) We were all in bed in our room by 8:30 that night. Since Jamison was in bed so early he was also up real early the next day. Good thing Grandpa is too. Jamison had breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa at least 4 out of the 5 mornings. But this child usually has 2 if not 3 breakfast a day. Most important meal he is going to make sure he has all the energy he needs.
Day two starts with us by the pool as Mom reads what entertainment is available. But we are going to relax this day. The women join the Water aerobic at 11:30 with David and Pastor. Roshonne was such a flirt, David stopped to see her every day for the rest of the trip. If I would have know the talent Pastor had in him I might have been a flirt! We had lunch and admired every one's pretty pink skin. On this day Roshonne and Em also started not feeling to well. Campbell has been in the pool for 4 hours and still has a dry head. It is Siesta time. The boys all sleep and I go out to lay by the pool and work on my tan. Everyone is up and back out to the pool. At the end of the day we have 4 that have major sunburns on some part of their body and 2 that have been revenged by Montezuma!
Day 3: 2 more are taken down by Montezuma. Dirk's sunburn is now a tan (hate him) and Brian is wearing a shirt for the rest of the trip. Since we have a few that aren't feeling well we hit the pool and hang around again. We did have reservations for the Steakhouse that night. The people who sat one table loved their food, us others it was okay. Another early night as the guys are leaving the resort at 6 a.m. to go deep sea fishing the next day for 8 hours. (to be continued. . . )
Time to start the bed time prep!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Back from Vacation
I admit I was a little nervous about this vacation. There are 14 in my family 6 children ranging from 22 months to 15. How are we going to keep them all entertained? There are also my parents who don't like to sit. We are on a tropical vacation where I want to get a tan how am I going to manage that if we go all the time. I also wanted to keep this an inexpensive vacation but memorable for the boys.
So the start of the vacation usually sets the stage. Let's start at the beginning. Thursday started off great. I dropped the boys off. and went shopping for last minute items at Walmart and Target. I had lunch with Sherry. I got an aqua massage.(loved it!) I dropped of my camera cards at Walgreens to have back-up discs of all my pictures. Very relaxing and took a lot off my list of things to do. By 4 I was mostly packed. We were on the road before 6. As I am driving and Brian sleeping I am counting suitcases that I saw go out the door and I assume into the trunk. I only remeber seeing 3 plus the two carryons. Yep we forgot to grab the suitcase out of Campbell's room. The one that I had finished packing on Tuesday! So 5 minutes from Interstate 35 (going this way to make sure all roads are clear of flood water) we turn around. Brian called his dad and I thought they talked about him meeting us but where? Brian never said. Well we met in Grundy Center Welcome center and started our trip all over. We get to Des Moines and get a call from my dad saying the exit to our hotel might be closing due to flood water, take an alternate route. We barely know where and when I call and talk to my mom I swear we are having two different conversations. Just give me the road numbers please because we are on the exit you said and that doesn't match the rest of the information. We made it and we made it to the airport. The next day at check in we will pay $12 for a lap child and be on our way. Yeah, RIGHT!
We now have to pay tax and handling. They are going to need to call to get the price. That will be $249 please. Uh oh what happened I just lost your reservation. Hold on let me get someone else over here. We are going to need to call and see what happened (Check in has now been 45 minutes long starting at 4:30 a.m.) Hey guess what they gave me a different price for the ticket. The price will now be. . . $152 (that made my morning!)
No more excitement on the trip there. Jamison liked his first plane ride. No one tried to throw us off. I'll give more later but don't want to bore you to death.
So the start of the vacation usually sets the stage. Let's start at the beginning. Thursday started off great. I dropped the boys off. and went shopping for last minute items at Walmart and Target. I had lunch with Sherry. I got an aqua massage.(loved it!) I dropped of my camera cards at Walgreens to have back-up discs of all my pictures. Very relaxing and took a lot off my list of things to do. By 4 I was mostly packed. We were on the road before 6. As I am driving and Brian sleeping I am counting suitcases that I saw go out the door and I assume into the trunk. I only remeber seeing 3 plus the two carryons. Yep we forgot to grab the suitcase out of Campbell's room. The one that I had finished packing on Tuesday! So 5 minutes from Interstate 35 (going this way to make sure all roads are clear of flood water) we turn around. Brian called his dad and I thought they talked about him meeting us but where? Brian never said. Well we met in Grundy Center Welcome center and started our trip all over. We get to Des Moines and get a call from my dad saying the exit to our hotel might be closing due to flood water, take an alternate route. We barely know where and when I call and talk to my mom I swear we are having two different conversations. Just give me the road numbers please because we are on the exit you said and that doesn't match the rest of the information. We made it and we made it to the airport. The next day at check in we will pay $12 for a lap child and be on our way. Yeah, RIGHT!
We now have to pay tax and handling. They are going to need to call to get the price. That will be $249 please. Uh oh what happened I just lost your reservation. Hold on let me get someone else over here. We are going to need to call and see what happened (Check in has now been 45 minutes long starting at 4:30 a.m.) Hey guess what they gave me a different price for the ticket. The price will now be. . . $152 (that made my morning!)
No more excitement on the trip there. Jamison liked his first plane ride. No one tried to throw us off. I'll give more later but don't want to bore you to death.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mexico Trip Update
Three days to go. Only two days of work. I didn't lose any weight, but I picked up a really nice swimsuit to hide my problem areas. Campbell is almost all packed. How many pairs of shoes does a 5 year old boy need to take along? I have most of myself packed. Well I think I do I might think about it more and change things out. I tried to call my mom today to see if we need to bring fancy clothes. It would make it a lot easier if I just packed suits and cover ups. I need to find more clothes for Jamison. I have them they are just in boxes down in the storage room. I was suppose to get everyone packed on Sunday but Brian had to go out to the club and evacuate the clubhouse due to FLOODING. I am really tired of rain and guess what I checked out the 10 day forecast in Cozumel and 86 to 88 every day plus a 60% chance of rain. EVERY DAY. I hope it is like Tampa where the sun shines every day and the rain is only a light shower. Only three more days. I hope Jamison is a better flier than a car traveler. Wish me luck!
Double Bubble

Friday night was what is starting to be a monthly tradition of Double Bubble for 4 of us at work. For those of you that have never heard of double bubble it is also called 2 for 1 or happy hour. We always seem to go beyond happy hour. I did learn not to only eat mac and cheese for lunch when you are going out. we will not go into details but my friends were worried but didn't come check on me. Hmmm. Jeff was amazing us with his music knowledge and he was laughing at my lack of music knowledge. I keep telling him I know movies not music. Pictures will be posted on Wednesday.
Welcome Back to Me!
It has almost been a month since my last posting. Has nothing happened to write about? No but if you notice I normally post on a Sunday and since we have been going to the cabin by the time we get home. I get the boys done with their baths and tucked in. I am ready for bed myself. I am also being very lazy and catching up on some of my movie watching. Right now as I am typing this my poor husband is at Lake Delhi possibly looking for our pontoon boat. With all the flooding and rain another cabin owner called and said his boat and lift were gone and he was on the way up to see if they had gone over the damn. Brian went to see if ours did too. I tried calling but no news yet.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
This is a day late because I was just to tired to post last night when we came home. That could be another post.
I know I always tease my mom about all the bad things I have inherited from her but I have been thinking this past week of all the good things I received from her gene pool and because of her philosophises. Thank you mom.
My youthful appearance.
My long fingers and toes.
My ability to laugh at myself.
My open mindedness.
my love of reading.
My willingness to try new things.
My travel bug.
My mom's ability to do the things she loves by herself is one trait I am working on. I have a problem doing the by myself thing.
I know I always tease my mom about all the bad things I have inherited from her but I have been thinking this past week of all the good things I received from her gene pool and because of her philosophises. Thank you mom.
My youthful appearance.
My long fingers and toes.
My ability to laugh at myself.
My open mindedness.
my love of reading.
My willingness to try new things.
My travel bug.
My mom's ability to do the things she loves by herself is one trait I am working on. I have a problem doing the by myself thing.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Zoo Trip
In honor of Mother's Day my guest blogger is my mom who went to the Henry Dorley Zoo with us.
Went to the zoo with Heidi, Campbell and Jamison. It took a while to figure out how to get to the animals we wanted to see first. We decided to see the elephants and rhinos first because they are the farthest away and we are fresh to walk up the hills. We have a few detours but we arrive and Campbell gets a wonderful shot of the elephant relieving himself. Right after his mom tells him not to take a picture of that. He listens well!!! We liked the cats and gorillas and there are birds everywhere. My favorites are the penquins. I think the boys liked the aquarium the best. Sometimes you feel like you are in the water with the fish. It was a beautiful day, not too hot or cold.
Went to the zoo with Heidi, Campbell and Jamison. It took a while to figure out how to get to the animals we wanted to see first. We decided to see the elephants and rhinos first because they are the farthest away and we are fresh to walk up the hills. We have a few detours but we arrive and Campbell gets a wonderful shot of the elephant relieving himself. Right after his mom tells him not to take a picture of that. He listens well!!! We liked the cats and gorillas and there are birds everywhere. My favorites are the penquins. I think the boys liked the aquarium the best. Sometimes you feel like you are in the water with the fish. It was a beautiful day, not too hot or cold.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Funny Story from Thursday
Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
It is about 5:10 on Thursday and I am trying to get all my work organized so they can find my desk on Friday (I have it off to go to the zoo.) The phone rings a two ringer which means it is out of the building. Thinking it is my mom or Brian seeing if I have left yet I answer.
"Heidi, it's Romy"
"I thought you weren't leaving until the script was done." I said.
"I'm not"
"Then why didn't you just walk up the ailse to talk to me?"
"I'm in the bathroom."
"And your calling me to tell me that why?"
"I need toilet paper."
"You need toilet paper? You need me to come give you toilet paper?"
Now by this time I am laughing very hard and I go down to give her toilet paper. My question at this time is "why did you carry your cell phone in to the bathroom?" Wasn't she lucky I'm such a friend? Thanks Romy for doing all my work today!
We are off to the zoo. It is a little cloudy but no rain at this time.
It is about 5:10 on Thursday and I am trying to get all my work organized so they can find my desk on Friday (I have it off to go to the zoo.) The phone rings a two ringer which means it is out of the building. Thinking it is my mom or Brian seeing if I have left yet I answer.
"Heidi, it's Romy"
"I thought you weren't leaving until the script was done." I said.
"I'm not"
"Then why didn't you just walk up the ailse to talk to me?"
"I'm in the bathroom."
"And your calling me to tell me that why?"
"I need toilet paper."
"You need toilet paper? You need me to come give you toilet paper?"
Now by this time I am laughing very hard and I go down to give her toilet paper. My question at this time is "why did you carry your cell phone in to the bathroom?" Wasn't she lucky I'm such a friend? Thanks Romy for doing all my work today!
We are off to the zoo. It is a little cloudy but no rain at this time.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Birthday Weekend
Today we went to Lake Delhi to do a little more work on the cabin. Campbell spent most of the afternoon by fishing. He baited his own hook and caught two Blue gills. He had to throw them back because they were too small. The picture is of his first fish. We did make it out on the lake for a pontoon cruise. It was a little cool. It isn't supposed to be this cool on May 4th. We have some things going on this week so maybe I will get a post out here before next Sunday!

Saturday night we went out to Applebee's for dinner then on to a retirement party. My cake said "Happy Retirement Paula". This was the best cake, there was none left over at my house the next day. Jamison is a cake and frosting guy. His saying after it was done. "MORE" He had a blast playing with all the kids there. They played pass the ball then they played hoops. After that Jamison entertained them by dancing. Socializing came from his mom too.

I didn't celebrate all weekend but 2 out of 3. Friday after work Natalie, Jeff and I went to Diamond Dave's for Double Bubble. My friend Dana stopped by too. I had a blast. We find so much to talk about. I love listening to Jeff tell me how much the music of the 80's sucks especially since I pretty much listen to 80's music non-stop at work. Below is a picture of Natalie and I taken by Jeff. I can't take pictures in low light areas I shake too much and they don't turn out so no picture of Jeff. After drinks Natalie and I went shopping. I didn't get my pretzel but I will soon.
I always think I am going to be out on my page some time during the week but nothing really happens to us during the week
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Weekend in Review
I made the whole six miles on the March of Dimes walk. Brrr! That wind was cold. I thought I did pretty good. I don't think I lagged more than once or twice. The biggest hill was in the beginning. That's the way uh huh I like it. (sorry song burst there!) We had a nice talk and walk. Now I have to keep the momentum going. 6 weeks to walk, walk, walk before Cancun. Go Heidi!
We went to the cabin today to bring some staples and get the yard raked. Today was supposed to have snow but it was great at Delhi. The boys and I were blowing bubbles, the sun was shining and it was a happy day. No pictures though. I had my camera but decided to live in the moment instead of documenting it. One part I could have done without, hitting my head on the freezer door when I went to stand up after loading the fridge. OUCH! Huge bump on my head. Campbell was so sweet when it happened. He was very concerned and wanted to take care of me. What a sweetie.
We went to the cabin today to bring some staples and get the yard raked. Today was supposed to have snow but it was great at Delhi. The boys and I were blowing bubbles, the sun was shining and it was a happy day. No pictures though. I had my camera but decided to live in the moment instead of documenting it. One part I could have done without, hitting my head on the freezer door when I went to stand up after loading the fridge. OUCH! Huge bump on my head. Campbell was so sweet when it happened. He was very concerned and wanted to take care of me. What a sweetie.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A Little of This and a Little of That
We had such a good time last night at girl's night. We went to the newest OP on Ridgeway. I think our waiter just turned 16. Good thing we didn't order alcohol. Our next one is at HuHot.
Monday was my shopping trip with Natalie. We went to Reminisce and I spent most of my money there. Then we went to Coralville Mall. I am disappointed with this mall every time I go. Next fall we are going Des Moines. Anyway, I came out of the second largest mall in Iowa with 2 journals and a pack of gum for a total of $7.46. So to get the party started we went back to Cedar Rapids and a Famous Footwear. I got the cutest pair of red Dr. Scholls. I also picked up 6 pairs of socks. Those were my big purchases. I however am still thinking about a sweater at Maurice's and I picked up a blouse I tried on at Vanity in a lager size here.
It is now 9:36 and I haven't seen Campbell since I dropped him off at Preschool this morning. He went to Delhi with Brian and I thought he would be home for supper but he wasn't. Now he will go to school stinky again tomorrow. Jamison and I had fun though. We went to the park as it was a beautiful 73 today. I will be really sad if it actually snows on Sunday like they are talking about. Saturday is supposed to be sunny for the walk. Yea!!
Monday was my shopping trip with Natalie. We went to Reminisce and I spent most of my money there. Then we went to Coralville Mall. I am disappointed with this mall every time I go. Next fall we are going Des Moines. Anyway, I came out of the second largest mall in Iowa with 2 journals and a pack of gum for a total of $7.46. So to get the party started we went back to Cedar Rapids and a Famous Footwear. I got the cutest pair of red Dr. Scholls. I also picked up 6 pairs of socks. Those were my big purchases. I however am still thinking about a sweater at Maurice's and I picked up a blouse I tried on at Vanity in a lager size here.
It is now 9:36 and I haven't seen Campbell since I dropped him off at Preschool this morning. He went to Delhi with Brian and I thought he would be home for supper but he wasn't. Now he will go to school stinky again tomorrow. Jamison and I had fun though. We went to the park as it was a beautiful 73 today. I will be really sad if it actually snows on Sunday like they are talking about. Saturday is supposed to be sunny for the walk. Yea!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
March for Babies
This is a call to all who read my blog. I am walking in the Cedar Valley March for Babies on April 26th. My goal was $100 and I am $25 away from that goal. Please visit my personal page. Marchforbabies and donate a dollar or two. Thank you.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Mexico Update
As of Sunday April 13 we have 61 days before we leave. We now have 3 passports and according to the passport tracking service Brian's has been mailed and will be here this week. I still have 10 lbs to lose. I bought a swim suit today. A one piece mind you, since I bought it at a discount store. I have also started thinking about what we need to take and how we are going to get all 4 of us through the airports without break downs. Just the details now not the necessities.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
No More Crib
Well it is official I have no more babies in my house. Yeah!?! I don't know if I was ready for this or not but apparently Brian was. On Tuesday during bath time he took off the side of the crib to make it into a toddler bed. The first night we put Jamison back in bed 5 times. Wednesday it was 3 and by Thursday he stayed in bed when it was bed time. He is not afraid to come out in the morning to let us know that he is ready to start the day. Luckily it has been after 6:30 and not at 5 or earlier. I hope that craziness is worked out of his system at least until he goes to school.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Last Weekend
I'm catching up on things I have wanted to post since Easter weekend. I couldn't find my camera after coming home from my parents. It really helps if you unpack all the luggage when you come home from a trip.
I have been reading the book "Photography for Scrapbookers" and played around a little on Friday before we turned in the passport applications. Here are the two I think are the best. Let me know what you think.
Swimming Yesterday
We went swimming yesterday in the warmest pool around. However it wasn't as warm as it usually is. Campbell takes a while to warm up to swimming but when it's time to go home he isn't ready to go. Jamison is a daredevil if you are not holding on to him when he sees the pool he will walk right in. Yesterday they both were treading water like pros. Jamison after much fighting finally got us to let go of him so he could try solo. In the video if I would have zoomed closer you would have seen a smile as big as Texas on Jamison's face. He didn't even mind when he went crooked and dunked his head under the water.
Friday, March 28, 2008
An Aww Moment
This morning I was wishing I would carry my camera on my person at all times. While taking Campbell to preschool another car pulled up behind us as we were getting onto the sidewalk. Campbell just stopped walking and waited. Well, it was one of his girlfriends and he wanted to walk in with her. Awww! I don't want them to grow up! I like the way they are at this moment. Okay I would change the whole diaper and not being able to feed themselves. I would kind of like them to be able to pour their own milk and cereal. But the rest of them I want to keep in this moment.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's set
The girl's shopping day is set. April 21st we are taking off work and heading east Coralville, Williamsburg and Cedar Rapids. What ever trips our trigger on that day. Okay we do plan to visit for the first time the Flagship store Reminisce but after that it is open. We are leaving after I drop the boys off at their respective place for the day. I wish it wasn't a month away.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Mexico Trip Update
I have 79 days until our Mexico trip with my family. I received my passport on Monday. One down 3 to go. It only took 9 days for them to process and mail my renewed passport. Speedy! We have submitted all passport applications as of March 21. Now we wait. My last brother has not sent his families' yet so I am not the last procrastinator. Can you break the cycle on that disease? I really need to do something. I have gained 2 lbs so now I have 12 that I want to lose before we go. I have to get rid of all this Easter candy.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
We were in Minneapolis this weekend (no pictures my battery died on the way there) to watch the supercross race. Brian and Campbell went to the race. Jamison and I figured we would go to the Mall of America until we found out that it was the grand opening of the Nickelodeon Amusement park. Then we were going to go swimming. The pool was freezing. It was 10 a.m. and we had nothing to do. Brian wanted to go to the MOA. I was ready to leave after 5 minutes. Brian and Campbell did Nascar Silicon Motor Speedway. They did three races and they had a blast. I was in the MOA for 4 hours and that was the only store I went into besides the newsstand to get a snacks and drinks for the trip home. Not a very memorable weekend getaway for me or Jamison. Brian and Campbell on the other hand rate it a No. 1 vacation.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I received a package today
I received a package today. I knew it would be there when I came home. I was so excited. I ordered a Lisa & Becky rail cart from scrapbooking-warehouse. As I pulled the pieces out of the box, I kept waiting for Brian to come home. I also kept moving Jamison off the pieces. Campbell was playing in the box it came it. Boxes are such cheap entertainment why even wrap toys in them at Christmas? Well, Brian didn't get home for supper but we were able to distract Jamison with food while Campbell and I put my cart together. Then while Jamison was distracted with supper (notice the theme, he is a growing boy), I started loading my cart with all the paper files that have been behind the couch for two years. Campbell put my paper trimmer in the paper trimmer holder and we started filling the basket with tools. I want another one already! Now I can't wait for my books from Simple Scrapbook Magazine. Why does it take 10 days for them to leave their warehouse? There has to be a better way.
We have 94 days till our Cancun trip. Will we all get our passports in time? Will I get in swimsuit shape by then? I started a workout plan last night. I mailed my passport renewal application today. The momentum has started.
Where was Brian all night you ask? He was at Lake Delhi working on our dock.
We have 94 days till our Cancun trip. Will we all get our passports in time? Will I get in swimsuit shape by then? I started a workout plan last night. I mailed my passport renewal application today. The momentum has started.
Where was Brian all night you ask? He was at Lake Delhi working on our dock.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Project 365
The two websites about 365 photos for the year are such an inspiration. I'm thinking about starting May 3rd. The inspriration one is the best. Hello commitment. I might be back on but for now have to sign off for Baths.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Friends and fun
What do you get when you combine: 3 dozen wooden eggs, 5 children ages 8 to 19 months, and 8 bottles of paint? A great time and decorated Easter eggs. We didn't get as many eggs painted as I thought we would. Campbell and R wanted to play video games more. They painted 2 eggs each before they disappeared into the video zone. Jamison had a blast and can't wait to get the paint out again. He went straight from the table to the bath tub. He decided to paint not only the eggs but his leg and he had to see what it tastes like too. Hence, the bright lips!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Failed my commitment

I had two things I wanted to accomplish this weekend. Have all applications for passports done and get my January and February Slice of life pages done. I was so sure I would have them done that I told Rach and Nat that they would get a pack of brads from me if I didn't get them done. I owe you guys brads! So did I accomplish my other goal? Brian filled his application out (the last one, mom) but could not get it printed. I think it had something to do with the littlest one playing with the printer that morning. He is a techno wannabe. But all was not lost I have January pictures on the page. I did two more pages that also need journaling. One along with January needs a title. . . and I got all my laundry washed, folded and put away. That hasn't happened since 2002. Tomorrow is my March Slice of Life day and I will be spending the morning at preschool. I should have an interesting story to tell.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Friday Night
Tonight is one of those peaceful nights that I enjoy so rarely of late. Brian and Campbell went to the gun show. Jamison is in bed and I have peace and quite. Jamison and I would have gone but they didn't have anything but guns and knifes to view. I said I would go if they had jewelry or cameras. So Jamison and I stayed home. We took a trip to Blockbuster to return movies and get another one.
My team won the 2 week walking competition we had at work. I defended my title. I was kind of worried because the second team was tough. I get to go shopping! It's at a sports store but I'm sure I can find something to buy there. Speaking of shopping, I did get a new pair of jeans on Sunday. It took me an hour on Sunday thanks to the help of the associate at Maurices. I can't believe that I forgot to tell you guys that!
I'm signing off now so I can order pictures. Happy leap day. Walgreens is have 29% off total order today only.
My team won the 2 week walking competition we had at work. I defended my title. I was kind of worried because the second team was tough. I get to go shopping! It's at a sports store but I'm sure I can find something to buy there. Speaking of shopping, I did get a new pair of jeans on Sunday. It took me an hour on Sunday thanks to the help of the associate at Maurices. I can't believe that I forgot to tell you guys that!
I'm signing off now so I can order pictures. Happy leap day. Walgreens is have 29% off total order today only.
Monday, February 25, 2008
I am so excited. I picked up my book today. I braved the blizzard to go to B&N and get "The Freedom Writers Diary". After watching the movie I knew I had to read the book also. I'm going to try to wait to start reading it though since I have 4 other books and 2 magazines that I am reading right now. I never can have enough to read. This is probably the reason I need to wear reading glasses when I work on the computer or read for more than 5 minutes. My reading glasses are way cool and only cost a buck.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Final post for today
Today the boys were busy with their cousins J and C. Campbell and C played video games and Jamison and J threw bouncy balls down our steps (A regular occurance in this house). Then the family went out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa. Both boys were very tired at bedtime. I better sign off since I loaded the page down tonight.
I had time for my hobby
This week I went to a file folder tag class from my CTMH demonstrator Diane. I loved the paper pack and had so much fun. Here are some pictures. I also put photos on my scrapbook club pages from Michele's. Great LO Michele. Then I started Jamison's 1st Birthday page. I feel like I accomplished a lot today. I hope to get Jamison's page done tomorrow.
Arrgh! Jean Shopping
I went shopping for blue jeans today. You would think it would be easy to find one pair out of a gazillion, wouldn't you? I want low rise bootcut. Not a lot to ask for. I love the pairs I have from Old Navy but the style that I have, they no longer make. So at work on Friday, I commented that I was going to have to try Levi's because they have their styles for a long time. Levi's are not for me. The one pair I liked from the front - had saggy diaper butt. So I think I tried on every pair of women's jeans at Kohls. I didn't even get into the junior's section because I was just mad. Why do they all have to have stretch? Don't get me wrong I like the spandex in the seat, but I it don't like it in the pocket area. I don't like when you can see the outline of the pocket on my thighs. The part of me that I think is my problem area. Let's just put a flashing red light on it so everyone can notice that the thigh is tight. I am going to sign off now and go scrap a couple of pages to get back into a happy place. I plan to post again later tonight to show my creativity this week.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Another Blizzard
Well this weekend is about the 8th blizzard of the season. I think all but one has happened on the weekend. Which is okay by me, I'm a homebody by choice. It didn't start snowing until Saturday night, So I did everything that I need to do on Saturday. Rachael and Natalie came over so Rachael could show us the ends and outs of our blog sites. Watch out, now I can add pictures and links! Rachael also spent a little time taking pictures of the boys hopefully she got a few shots with them both together and looking decent. I never accomplish that. I will post a few once I get them back. We did our weekly trip to Wal-Mart also. Crowds everywhere. Campbell spent the weekend playing his new video game "Monster Jam". Here's the gamer going at it. I'm off to surf the web a little before bed. Have a good night
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