Most of you that know me, know that all of the teeth I have are sweet teeth and that the boys have inherited this because I only ate junk food while pregnant with them. So this confession might not come as a big shock.
My comfort food of choice is not ice cream like in the movies but Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (CCCD). Specifically the Nestle Toll House Mini Cookie pack that makes 40 cookies. Not that I have ever made the cookies out of the pack but that would be an goal for some day in the future.
Any how here is my confession, I had a really bad Tuesday morning and happened to have some CCCD in the fridge so I threw it in my bag and after I dropped the boys off I had CCCD for breakfast. When I got to work I put it in the freezer so I could bring it home that night. I had Girls’ Night Tuesday so I couldn’t bring it home that night. Wednesday morning it was calling my name. I swear I could hear it from clear down the hall. I confessed this weakness and that I had some in the freezer to Julie hoping she would talk some sense into me. Nope she is an enabler. She has the same weakness and threatened to take my CCCD! Well, by the time she went looking for it after lunch. It was already on my desk and I had ate a row. By Thursday when it was gone Natalie and Bonnie both knew of my weakness and that I don’t share CCCD.
If I would figure the calories for the pack it would be more than 2000. A serving is 3 squares and that equals 3 WW points. One point per cookie. OUCH! That guilt doesn’t even stop me on occasion. It does get me to slow down some days! I have never eaten a whole pack in one day, YET!
Now it is Friday and we are doing the weekly shopping trip to the Big Box store. Campbell says "mom, we haven’t had CCCD for a really long time I think we need to get some. Can we?" Knowing I just ate a whole pack this week I said no. Oh the disappointment on his face!
And we come to today. I am ordering a Whopper Jr. and spy the sign for the new pie. I mean really you can’t miss it. The sign is right under your hand when you walk up to order. They also have one hanging down and if you are 6 foot or taller you could hit it with your head. The new Pie is Cookie Dough. It needs to be tried. Not like they didn’t give me crap at work for it. My review – it’s a teaser. Not enough CCCD to satisfy. Unless you pick it apart you mostly have whip cream taste. Another one not to waste your money on the Ground Round (if you still have one – ours closed the other day) Cookie Dough Bites – Um Hellooo if you bake it, it is no longer Cookie Dough it is now Cookies. And why would you want to eat square cookies?
I am looking in to starting the CCCDA. If you need to become a member please let me know. Our first meeting we will have CCCD to rate our addiction.