Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bring Back the Tag!

I’m going to rant for a paragraph so bear with me. To all companies that have gone tagless. Do you actually know what tagless means? To me this means no tags in the shirt. To you it means moving the tag from the back of the collar to the side seam. Well, I want the tag back. Having my tag on my collar is a lot more comfortable than having it on my side seam right were I tuck my shirt into my jeans. If I forget to make sure and tuck the tag in, one of my friends helps me do it at work. When you tuck it in it lays flat against your back even if the edge starts to curl. If the tag is curled all the way to the collar, the seam is usually the same thickness. Not so with the “tagless” that tag on the side of the shirt has no rhyme or reason to how it lays. Since most people have more rounded sides you can’t get the tag to lay flat. Where are people more ticklish their backs or their sides? I bet 99% of you said side. Are you with me? Bring back the Tag! Bring back the Tag!

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