I made the whole six miles on the March of Dimes walk. Brrr! That wind was cold. I thought I did pretty good. I don't think I lagged more than once or twice. The biggest hill was in the beginning. That's the way uh huh I like it. (sorry song burst there!) We had a nice talk and walk. Now I have to keep the momentum going. 6 weeks to walk, walk, walk before Cancun. Go Heidi!
We went to the cabin today to bring some staples and get the yard raked. Today was supposed to have snow but it was great at Delhi. The boys and I were blowing bubbles, the sun was shining and it was a happy day. No pictures though. I had my camera but decided to live in the moment instead of documenting it. One part I could have done without, hitting my head on the freezer door when I went to stand up after loading the fridge. OUCH! Huge bump on my head. Campbell was so sweet when it happened. He was very concerned and wanted to take care of me. What a sweetie.