Saturday night we went out to Applebee's for dinner then on to a retirement party. My cake said "Happy Retirement Paula". This was the best cake, there was none left over at my house the next day. Jamison is a cake and frosting guy. His saying after it was done. "MORE" He had a blast playing with all the kids there. They played pass the ball then they played hoops. After that Jamison entertained them by dancing. Socializing came from his mom too.

I didn't celebrate all weekend but 2 out of 3. Friday after work Natalie, Jeff and I went to Diamond Dave's for Double Bubble. My friend Dana stopped by too. I had a blast. We find so much to talk about. I love listening to Jeff tell me how much the music of the 80's sucks especially since I pretty much listen to 80's music non-stop at work. Below is a picture of Natalie and I taken by Jeff. I can't take pictures in low light areas I shake too much and they don't turn out so no picture of Jeff. After drinks Natalie and I went shopping. I didn't get my pretzel but I will soon.
I always think I am going to be out on my page some time during the week but nothing really happens to us during the week