Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Election

Now I admit that I am happy the election is over. I was very tired of the negative campaignes that go on every year. I was amazed this year by the fact that the media was so hard on the second women vice presidential candidate. Normally, I can't tell who the media is rooting for they are usually fair and impartial. I think we saw a whole different picture this year. I think all of the candidates that promised a clean and positive campainge forgot the meaning of those two words.

My friend Kim stated in her blog that she doesn't vote and the link she showed validated why. I couldn't get to the link but I just want to say. I know the electorial votes do not always reflect the popular vote and based on this all that vote feel like our one vote really doesn't matter. But
Kim if you ever watch the HBO movie Iron Jawed Angels I think you will vote every time there is something to vote on. What these women went through just so we have THE RIGHT to vote is amazing (sorry I'm using that word a lot in this entry.) Granted, I think I will be doing the absentee ballot from now on but I will vote. Alice Paul and the others went through hell to give us that right. Wow, if school history classes showed this when I was in school I might have actually liked history. I also want to say that your one vote might not mean anything to the presidential election but your one vote can mean something to Walt Rogers, Jeff Danielson, Tami Winechek or Kerry Burt who all are still waiting to see who will go to the State House because the votes are so close.


Kim said...

If these women who gave so much of themselves for the 'right' to vote...shouldn't that pertain to all elections, not just the local?

While I whole-heartedly concur with your statement regarding the local elections, I still elect to use my 'right' to not vote.

Kim said...

P.S. My link is fixed ;0)