Friday, May 9, 2008

Funny Story from Thursday

Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

It is about 5:10 on Thursday and I am trying to get all my work organized so they can find my desk on Friday (I have it off to go to the zoo.) The phone rings a two ringer which means it is out of the building. Thinking it is my mom or Brian seeing if I have left yet I answer.
"Heidi, it's Romy"
"I thought you weren't leaving until the script was done." I said.
"I'm not"
"Then why didn't you just walk up the ailse to talk to me?"
"I'm in the bathroom."
"And your calling me to tell me that why?"
"I need toilet paper."
"You need toilet paper? You need me to come give you toilet paper?"
Now by this time I am laughing very hard and I go down to give her toilet paper. My question at this time is "why did you carry your cell phone in to the bathroom?" Wasn't she lucky I'm such a friend? Thanks Romy for doing all my work today!

We are off to the zoo. It is a little cloudy but no rain at this time.