Monday, August 15, 2011

Great Accomplishment

This weekend our family became part of the Guinness Book of World Records! It was a long hard road to get there but we did it. I am so proud of our never give up attitude.

Here is how we did it. We drove to the ice rink on Saturday at 10 a.m., where we sat visiting and checking out a couple snakes for an hour. During this time, about 650 more people joined us. Then at 11, we sat through the best part of Chemistry class. You know that part, where you mix things and they bubble out of the test tubes. Or, they explode we even saw fire balls in the air thanks to Hydrogen and Carbon dioxide mixed with a little heat. For the finale, they combined Nitrogen, a giant garbage can and 2,880 ping pong balls to give us a bang followed by an shower of ping pong balls.

Since there was, only around 650 people we thought our chances of winning one of the 5 Ipad 2s that they were giving away were pretty good. At last, we are still without the elusive Ipad not that they didn’t get extremely close to our numbers they were only 11 away from my number and 3 from Jamison’s. If they would have just been dyslexic and called 2087 instead of 2078 we would have one. Make sure you buy the book so you can see us in there under the Largest Chemistry lesson given. Thanks, Grout for an entertaining morning.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Who knew you for a chemistry geek ;) Congrats on your accomplishment!