Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22

I fell off the wagon. I have been clean for 2 months but this week I bought and ate chocolate chip cookie dough. It was yummy. I am disgusted with myself. I step on the scale and see it go up not down and instead of doing something about it, I go out and get CCCD. It's out of my system now and if I could find my coupon for $10 meeting fees I would be at Weight Watcher's but I misplaced that little bugger somewhere. I know I will find it the question is will I find it before it expires on 6/6? I'm walking with Natalie tomorrow night and who knows maybe even Friday. Weather should hold off on Saturday in time for me to get out in the morning too. I should sign off now and go work on Wii Fit. I think I will.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Please know I'm not laughin at you...just with you. Invite me over next time, I would have made sure you only ate half of those darn cookies, cuz I sure enuff would have ate the other half. teeheehee