Thursday, January 20, 2011


I said this on Facebook and want to repeat it. ORGANIZATION is my word of the year. I am going to flush this out a little more here. Sorry this might be of no interest to you but I have found that if I write things out I tend to get them done in a little more detail. Every 2 months I am going to focus on one room and organize that to the best of my abilities and get everything in its place. If there is something that does not belong in that room that I can’t part with I will move it to a box in my spare room for 6 months and if I haven’t found a home for it by then it will be removed from the house. I will be ruthless in throwing/giving things away that we don’t use anymore or have never used. I will not buy unnecessary things just because I might use in the future. I will spend 10 minutes every night picking up things out of place.

Of course the room I am starting with is my craft room since I will have the cupboard for that by Saturday. Hopefully, I will get my counter top on Friday too. It’s been ordered and hopefully it comes in this week. Then Brian has to get to work on Sunday. I want it done by Monday night so I can start filling the cupboards and maybe find the bed in my spare room (just in case it is needed).
So help me out if you go shopping with me make sure I put nothing in my cart that is unnecessary or just make sure I put nothing in my cart. I’ll keep you posted on this.

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