It turned out to be a fabulous weekend. We actually left for the cabin on Friday. The first time ever! We got to the cabin around 9 after packing, eating and stopping at Wal-Mart. I brought my camera up to get familiar and use my two new filters. Brian and his dad got the good pontoon in around 10. While they were doing that and the boys were in bed I started to make some cards but ran out of adhesive (I so hate that!). Saturday dawned cloudy and cool but by the time all our guests got there it was sunny. We had Brian's parents, his sister Kris and their boys, and the Moore family minus Lizzie come up. After lunch the adventurous ones rode the jet skis while the rest of us rode the pontoon toward the dam. After turning around we stopped at the beach where the kids had a blast getting as wet as possible. Only one of them had a suit on, I really thought it was too cold to get in the water. Jamison learned how to fill his fish water can with the hose after we came back (outfit number 2 of 5). Brian's family left around supper time and while the kids ran amok we sat on the deck and enjoyed some adult conversation and adult drinks. We so need to plan an adult day up there. After the Moore's left (no idea what time) we started another fire to burn more branches of the tree limb that crashed into our dock and took a chunk out of it. Jamison and I had another s'more. Fire and little boys equal outfit number 3. We have been looking for recipes of other things for Campbell to make since he doesn't like marshmallows. We found some but we have to buy some pie irons. Bedtime for me and the boys, Brian headed over to the adult bonfire at the Gaede's.
Sunday was family day we took it easy and piddled around the cabin before lunch. We took a pontoon ride and since the lake was relatively quiet I practiced captaining the pontoon. I was much more successful in this endeavor than when I captained the boat at Branson when I was 11. (This story is one for a night of drinking or when my brothers decide to embarrass me!) Any way since we failed to put sunscreen on the boys and even with sun glasses on I couldn't open my eyes fully we headed back to the cabin. We were going to load the car and head into town to eat around 1. We made a pit stop before eating to look at a 2004 Glastron ski boat for sale. Forty-five minutes and the loss of one kid to dreamland we got to the drive-thru of Hardee's.
When we got home Campbell and Brian headed to his parents so Campbell could plant his garden. Jamison and I followed after he ate and I took my Sunday nap. We had outdoor movie night in the neighborhood at dusk. We saw "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler. It is very good. Every child sat through the whole movie. For once Brian went home with Jamison, Campbell and I hung around until midnight. Campbell on the tramp with his friends and me around the fire with the adults. Our next neighborhood outing is Friday. The bowling bus is coming to pick us up for bowling and pizza. I hope we get bumpers as adults too. I'm not as good at real bowling as I am on Wii.
Monday Brian had to clean an apartment so the boys and I had a pajama day until lunch. We played Wii (I lost boxing to an almost 3 yr old) I lost everything we played to Campbell. When it wasn't my turn I made 28 cards. My card file is stocked for girl cards now I need to make some manly ones. Monday I also worked on the baby quilt I have to complete. I might get it done except for binding this next weekend. I'm only going to one graduation party out of 3 this weekend. Oh one other thing I did Monday was sign up for a photography class. I found one that I can do when I have time and it was under $100. I have my first assignment due, I received a 100% on the quiz questions. I'm anxious to hear what they say about the pictures I send them. You get constructive criticism and access to IM a professional photographer. I will upload pictures from the weekend tomorrow night I need to go to bed now.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Catch up since May 10th.
I know I haven’t been out here for a while and I promised a picture of my birthday/mother’s day present from Brian. Isn’t it beautiful? I went with Campbell to Hartman Reserve on May 19th . It was the first day that it was supposed to get up to 75 degrees so I was excited to not be working. They of course, recommend you wear long pants to protect yourself from Poison Oak and such. It was 83 degrees and since we were in a valley with no wind. It was down right hot walking the woods. Other than that and a few nights out in the neighborhood we haven’t done a lot. Oh I did get a picture of Campbell and his teacher for the year. Finally, she is one of those who runs from the camera. I was annoyingly persistent. (Surprise!)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all my readers. I hope you had as good as day as I did. I'll tell you about it tomorrow but time for me to get to bed tonight.
May 9 - Cabin is open
The cabin is open for the season. If you need a weekend getaway -plan to stop by Lake Delhi and visit us. We spent the weekend cleaning a little, the guys went on the pontoon, we brought the food up and put the jet skis in. Jamison was excited he got to fish, ride the boat and the jet ski. Campbell got to tend fire and fish. Their favorite things to do at the cabin. I caught up on some magazines and did Campbell's blanket so I had an enjoyable day there too. I even caught a fish! I was supposed to be helping Jamison but while I was reeling in to recast a sunfish decided to grab hold. I made Brian take him off and throw him in. Then I thought about grabbing a shot of my first fish. Oh Darn!
May 8
I was busy getting dressed this morning and looked at the time. After 7 and no Jamison yet. This is highly unusual so I peeked into his room. There he sat reading a book on his bed. He of course pushed most of the animals and blankets off the bed first. I went and got my camera so I could take a picture. Before I snapped the picture I decided to listen to the book he was reading. It was Froggy Rides a Bike. He did pretty good with the plot of the story and watching his action when Froggy crashes into the tree was too funny. I snapped the picture, he looks up and says "Mommy is it get up time?" Does this mean he realizes that I am not a morning person like him and that he is waiting for me to say time to get up? I'm not ready for that! Even though I am not a morning person I love our cuddle time in the morning and would hate to miss it.
This week crafts
I have not been as busy this week in the craft area. On Monday my "ME day" I was going to scrap and complete the quilt I have for the couple that had their baby on April 14. Still not done. All I did Monday was make a couple of bookmarks. One for me and one for Campbell's teacher for "Teacher appreciation day". I also made a Thank you card for her but the picture didn't turn out. Then on Saturday while at the cabin while the guys were on the boat fishing I made Campbell a fleece tie blanket. Here are the pictures.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
May 3
I was up making breakfast at 7. I did pretty good too until I had to bend down and look in a cupboard to see if I had a thermos. I know I didn't but I looked anyway. I had brunch and then everyone left so I could go back to bed. No pictures of me on my birthday because I take the pictures in our family and my DH doesn't think about what would be good for a scrapbook page. You don't really want to say hey take my picture darn it I look so good hung over and I want to scrap it for the future. (I think not.) I slept until 3 and watched a movie then Jamison and I went to find the rest of the family. They were down at the neighbors. I fed the neighbors with left over food above is a picture of dinner and the cute neighborhood kids. Okay only half the kids the others are still running around. And they haven't even had the cake yet.
May 2
It's here. The day of my party is finally here. How many people will show? Will they have a good time? How late will we stay? What else do I need to do before we go?
Okay it is now 5:20 why is my family all sitting on my couch to watch the Kentucky Derby? They can watch it at the bar. We have to get the food yet and be there before the guests get there. I have to leave. Brian better say that he is going with me or I will be pissy at him too. I need a drink already!
Okay it is now 5:20 why is my family all sitting on my couch to watch the Kentucky Derby? They can watch it at the bar. We have to get the food yet and be there before the guests get there. I have to leave. Brian better say that he is going with me or I will be pissy at him too. I need a drink already!
May 1
No work until Tuesday. I have things to get ready for the party. Oh first I am going to go to Twin Oaks and see the scrapbooking stuff. I haven't been there for a while. I have time before I have to pick up the cinnamon rolls. Pick up cinnamon rolls, pick up parents, go eat and go shopping for groceries. Keep the bill under $300 for both parties. Why do we stress before parties we throw? If you forget something besides the alcohol no one will know that it was supposed to be there. I start to worry about the food. What if I am not a good hostess? What if no one who says they are coming will come? Can you picture it: You have all this food, your family is here to party with your friends and then no one comes. Because you really don't have friends you have acquaintances. So here you sit with food for a hundred and 6 people at your party. . . Then you wake up and know that you will have friends there you don't have to worry about it.
April 30
HELP! Dirk called this morning to tell me he tried to cook my pork for BBQ pork sandwiches yesterday and he had them in the smoker from 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and they are still not done. He thinks I should switch to plan B. I don't have a plan B. I am 2 days away from my party and don't have a plan B. Hello Hy-Vee can you help me? Yes they can! I now have BBQ pork sandwiches for 100 and buns for 150. There will be no lack of food at this party.
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