Friday, February 27, 2009
Happy Birthday
A big Happy Birthday going out to Kimmie! I hope your hearts desire gets to Iowa soon for your birthday present. Hope your day was great. Loved your desk. - See pictures on her blog.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sad to say technology is passing me by. I now have a FaceBook page and I had to by the "Facebook for Dummies" book to go along with it. I still don't understand Facebook, I understand that it is a networking tool and I just can't explain where my block is. Maybe in a couple weeks when I've read at least the first part of the book I will understand it and how to use more than just writing on people's walls. I was scared though; people keep telling me you invite friends and then they either accept you or deny you. If they accept you then you can view their page. What if nobody accepts me? I know one person who enjoys pushing the DENY what if they all do that to me? I am happy to say I know have 17 friends. I thought I was doing good but then others have 70. I'm a friend wannabe. Oh the pressure to keep up with the times.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday N! Hope you have a car by the time I talk to you. Hope you had a great day! Love you.
I Love you.
Do you know what the best thing in the world is? When someone in your family, out of the blue says “I love you.” Wow! that just makes my day. Jamison is wonderful about doing this too and he does it when I really need it. This morning I was feeling a little blah and tired (because Jamison has a cold and sounds like a sea lion when he coughs, so If he has a fit in the middle of the night I have to check to make sure he hasn’t swallowed his tongue.) and was sitting in the chair zoning. Jamison comes over climbs on my lap and says “I love you mommy.” Ahhhh, my heart melted.
Monday, February 23, 2009
I was Lazy
I have been lazy, but when am I not? It is always so much easier at night to turn on the t.v. after the boys are in bed or read one of my 12 magazines that I get each month (actually I'm down to 7 every month which is a low for me). I have also been watching some shows that aren't on Discovery channel and they all come on at 9. And I have found out that if I don't shut the computer off at least an hour before bed I don't fall asleep until about 1. When you are not a morning person and your youngest is notorious for waking up at 5:30, One is not a good time to fall asleep. All true but not valid reasons for not keeping you up to date. I can't believe it was February 9th since I was last out here. But here is the sad part. . . It was February 3 that I last took a picture. Tomorrow the boys better have their cheese going strong! What has been happening since February 9th? Not a lot. School and work. On the 19th I took the day off because school was closed for conferences and Campbell and I ran errands. Yes, I took Jamison to day care. we had 10 places to go and it was going to be 5 degrees. I made a judgement call on how fast I could get them done with and without him. It was a wise decision that day.
The shows that I am watching and if any one else watches them let me know. Only one I get to discuss in the aisle now. Leverage TNT I love it. It's a Robin Hood story gone High Tech. Top Chef - Go Carla, thought she was weird to begin with but out of the 3 she is my top choice. Private Practice you have the relationships of Grey's but they are not whiners. I have hurry so I can shut this down at 10.
The shows that I am watching and if any one else watches them let me know. Only one I get to discuss in the aisle now. Leverage TNT I love it. It's a Robin Hood story gone High Tech. Top Chef - Go Carla, thought she was weird to begin with but out of the 3 she is my top choice. Private Practice you have the relationships of Grey's but they are not whiners. I have hurry so I can shut this down at 10.
Monday, February 9, 2009
January 24

We have a new member of our family. I would like to introduce Roar Tiger Tressler. Jamison made him at Teddy Bear Connection. He received gift cards from Santa. He wasn't to sure about making him but Roar has been with Jamison every where since we brought him home. We have lost the basketball that came with Roar but like the 250 other balls we have they are never lost for long.
January 21
I'm losing 15 Pounds in 11 Weeks
I am announcing this on my blog so if you see me cheat you can yell at me. But also give me support by not offering sweets to me. I can’t turn you down it would be impolite. I need to lose 15 lbs by my party on May 2nd. I started my process today. Not a diet, they don’t work. I am making smart changes; you know the ones I should have been doing since I started Weight Watchers how many years ago. I do well then I stop going to meetings or get pregnant and it takes me 2 years to get disgusted and start again. Fifteen pounds in 11 weeks is a manageable goal. The weather is getting nicer and there aren’t any food holiday’s during this time. It’s also time to pick up my Healthy living activities. I’m off!!!
On another note check back tomorrow I downloaded pictures this weekend but didn’t have time to post so I plan to do that tonight.
On another note check back tomorrow I downloaded pictures this weekend but didn’t have time to post so I plan to do that tonight.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Progressive Dinner
As you know our neighborhood has been trying to plan a progressive dinner for a while. We were supposed to have it in December and the planning didn't get far off the ground. Well, we had it on Friday January 30 and I think it was very successful. I know I was sad to see it end but was also thinking it is almost midnight I have to get my boys to bed or we won't be able to stand them on Saturday. So I didn't go to the final house for after dinner drinks (the next day by stomach thanked me too.)
Our first house was for drinks. Here we also dropped off the children for their party. Fifteen children between the ages of 14 and 2. The beer selection was outstanding Rex made Black and Tans like a professional bartender. I stuck with a margarita because I know how many of those I can drink without getting a headache. (I did however exceed my limit that night.) After drinks we headed over to the Appetizer house. Here I tasted Brie for the first time (not bad). We also had some chicken Cordon Bleu balls that Brian raves about still, and sushi. I didn't quite get up the courage to try this. At the soup and side house we had Lobster Bisque (Yes mom I tried this) Mashed or twice baked sweet potatoes and French onion soup. They were all very good and the conversations were flowing. At every house the dynamics of the group changed. At the main dish house we had Baked Talapia with a Parmesan crust and green beans. I will admit I asked for a half a piece of fish. I ate three bites of my fish. Luckily I was sitting by Kent at this house. I commented that I don't really eat fish and he said he didn't eat green beans. I told him if he ate my fish I would eat his green beans. So we discreetly made the switch and cleaned our plates. Then Brian comes in. . . "Heidi, you have fish on your plate, I know you didn't eat it what did you do with it put it under the table?" I tried to quietly explain but the secret was out. More people heard. Brian was in talking to the baby's sitters before he came in to blab. J is under a year so his parents had friends come over to watch him instead of sending him over to the crazy house. Brian talking to strangers is a great source of amusement to Tami who said it took him six months before he would say "Hi" to her. Which is probably true.
So now it is on to our house for dessert. I asked the ladies to say something about how the desktop computer just doesn't look right on the center kitchen island. They did but then they spent their time on the computer. Didn't help my cause. We had Brownies with chocolate frosting, Lemon bars and 6 kinds of cheesecake. I made the brownies and lemon bars and purchased a variety pack of cheesecake at Hy-Vee. One person said they were all very good because they tried them all. While at our house the guys took a tour. When they came up from down stairs they announced that we were having the Superbowl at our house. Worked for me! By now it is 11:30 and I am thinking if the boys aren't sleeping then they will be bears tomorrow. I head over to pick them up. Most of the rest were at the after dinner drink house okay we have lost 3 others beside me. At the after dinner house they are starting a bon fire with the 2 left over Christmas trees from our neighborhood. Let me tell you one went up like a torch the other when I saw it on Saturday looked like it had just came out of the house. Even after they poured gasoline on it. Amazing! Brian came home at one and we heard that some die hards were up until 3. Bless them I can't do that anymore and handle the children in the morning.
Our first house was for drinks. Here we also dropped off the children for their party. Fifteen children between the ages of 14 and 2. The beer selection was outstanding Rex made Black and Tans like a professional bartender. I stuck with a margarita because I know how many of those I can drink without getting a headache. (I did however exceed my limit that night.) After drinks we headed over to the Appetizer house. Here I tasted Brie for the first time (not bad). We also had some chicken Cordon Bleu balls that Brian raves about still, and sushi. I didn't quite get up the courage to try this. At the soup and side house we had Lobster Bisque (Yes mom I tried this) Mashed or twice baked sweet potatoes and French onion soup. They were all very good and the conversations were flowing. At every house the dynamics of the group changed. At the main dish house we had Baked Talapia with a Parmesan crust and green beans. I will admit I asked for a half a piece of fish. I ate three bites of my fish. Luckily I was sitting by Kent at this house. I commented that I don't really eat fish and he said he didn't eat green beans. I told him if he ate my fish I would eat his green beans. So we discreetly made the switch and cleaned our plates. Then Brian comes in. . . "Heidi, you have fish on your plate, I know you didn't eat it what did you do with it put it under the table?" I tried to quietly explain but the secret was out. More people heard. Brian was in talking to the baby's sitters before he came in to blab. J is under a year so his parents had friends come over to watch him instead of sending him over to the crazy house. Brian talking to strangers is a great source of amusement to Tami who said it took him six months before he would say "Hi" to her. Which is probably true.
So now it is on to our house for dessert. I asked the ladies to say something about how the desktop computer just doesn't look right on the center kitchen island. They did but then they spent their time on the computer. Didn't help my cause. We had Brownies with chocolate frosting, Lemon bars and 6 kinds of cheesecake. I made the brownies and lemon bars and purchased a variety pack of cheesecake at Hy-Vee. One person said they were all very good because they tried them all. While at our house the guys took a tour. When they came up from down stairs they announced that we were having the Superbowl at our house. Worked for me! By now it is 11:30 and I am thinking if the boys aren't sleeping then they will be bears tomorrow. I head over to pick them up. Most of the rest were at the after dinner drink house okay we have lost 3 others beside me. At the after dinner house they are starting a bon fire with the 2 left over Christmas trees from our neighborhood. Let me tell you one went up like a torch the other when I saw it on Saturday looked like it had just came out of the house. Even after they poured gasoline on it. Amazing! Brian came home at one and we heard that some die hards were up until 3. Bless them I can't do that anymore and handle the children in the morning.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Dirk
The Pittsburgh Steelers won the Super Bowl. What an exciting 4th quarter. I would have been happy if the Cardinals would have won too. Home state hero and all but my rooting for the Steelers was my birthday present to Dirk. I think my wishes helped pull it out. NOT! Again, Happy Birthday Dirk!!
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