Saturday, January 31, 2009
Big News
I have to share the news I received today. I'm so excited!! Someone is pregnant. No it is not me, I'm done. Jamison is winning the battle of the wills and I can't compete with another one. My college roommate Lori is going to have a baby on August 1st! Great day to have it because my life long friend Brenda already has this birthday. But as I told Lori, August has a not pretty birth stone and she should go early like July 29th, or July 23 for a ruby. So this summer I will have a new honorary niece or nephew. She won't be able to have a drink with me on my birthday but this is so much better I will forgive her. I just had to share my great news! Now I have to put Jamison down for his nap. It's two hours over due but we had to make it to lunch first.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Picture Not Taken (and you'll see why!)
Jamison and I have the same temperament. I sometimes think Brian is a little hard on him because he is not as quite and agreeable as Campbell was. Then we have nights like this. I made some Chicken Fettuccine from scratch. Very easy recipe but dicing raw chicken not going to happen again. Yew! Any way we sit down to dinner and I'm eating my noodles and I then butter a slice of bread. Jamison of course wants some because he is a carb. guy. Brian tells him to eat the one noodle on his fork. "NO" I tell him to eat the noodle on his fork. "NO. I want butter toast." Not until you eat the noodle. Ten minutes later he is still asking for butter toast and that noodle is on his fork. I offer him a choice. Eat the noodle or sit in the bathroom for time out (I'll explain my thinking on the bathroom as a time out place sometime.) He chose the bathroom or that is how I understood him throwing the fork across his plate. So we went into the bathroom. Two minutes later "Do you want to eat your noodles now." No! Want to stay in the bathroom? Yes. I shut the door and hear screaming for the rest of my meal. We then proceed to tell me we have to poo in the potty. . . then we don't (dressed again) then we do. I'm not handling this well. I'm not getting through. Does he know what yes and no means? When he is being stubborn I don't think so. The noodle was in his mouth for a half hour after Brian let him out of the bathroom. It was never swallowed. Jamison went to bed at 7 p.m. This is also punishment for me because we will both be up at 4 if not earlier. I need a SuperNanny intervention! Everyone write in for me, I'm a horrible mom!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
January 20
January 17
January 16

You remember my conversation with Jamison where he wanted to go to Grampa and Gramma Peters all the time. I mean daily! Well on January 16 he finally got to go. The night before he didn't want to go but Grampa buckled him into the car and he said Bye bye mommy. I love that he wants to spend time with them, but he could miss me a little.
January 15
January 13
January 11
Monday, January 26, 2009
I think my feedjit is a little mixed up today. I have some funky places on there but I'm the Valdosta, Georgia one. Don't ask me how I have Mediacom as my internet provider. Maybe when I have 3 hours to be on hold I will call and ask them.
Not Enough Time
Help. I can't work 8 hour days anymore. I just do not have enough time to get all the other things done that I need to do at night. I haven't washed dishes in a week. I still have my Christmas tree up. (I did take down the ornaments on Sunday) Man, was that only yesterday? Any way part of it is my ability to focus on somethings and my inability to focus on others. Does that make any sense? I'll give you the example of yesterday. I was going to download my pictures from my camera that I have been taking (at least one ever other day) I'm getting closer to the 365 project. But then I thought I should ORGANIZE them. Two hours later I have put all the pictures on the laptop into Photoshop and tagged all the 2008 ones by at least one tag. Productive for me but didn't get my blog updated. I signed up for Live Healthy Iowa to give me a push at working out more than once a week. I asked for Wii Fit for Christmas for the same reason. This weekend no planned physical activity. Carrying Jamison around the Dome for an hour does count as some form but not really sure what I should put it under. My arms say lifting weights. The short attention span? It took me 3 hours to take the ornaments off the Christmas tree. I hope I get it taken down tomorrow night. No Bets should be placed though.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I admit I have been avoiding you lately. I don’t know what to say. The children haven’t been witty and it’s been too cold for the kids to go out and play. We aren’t taking any trips. I haven’t had any fights with clothing tags. Nope I just haven’t had anything to say.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Do I look unfit?
You know how you go along in life thinking you are a healthy, fit person and then something comes along to wake you from that dream? Or changes that dream to a nightmare? Well, my nightmare inducer is my great Christmas present, my WiiFit.
Why I thought I had to have one of these is beyond me. Why do I need a machine to tell me I am overweight and mention that I need to exercise daily? I know that! The simplest activity on this thing makes me so sore I can’t walk right for two days! Please tell me what muscle do you use when you hula-hoop? I didn’t think you should use any but apparently you use your side ab muscles for this activity. I ROCK on this by the way. I actually have 3 out of 4 stars on this workout.
Another area that I Rock – Yoga. Can’t believe that because the one yoga class I took bored me and I wanted to pull my hair out because of that music. Luckily, they don’t play music on WiiFit. I can crank my big hair ‘80s music while I torture myself. Any way most of the Yoga poses I am again 3 out of 4 stars. Two I even got 100% of the full 4 stars. But how bad of balance do you have if you can’t do the Warrior pose. I’ll have to see if Campbell can do it. He needs to work on the balance too. But to encourage me to keep going we are getting a team together for LiveHealthyiowa let me know if you want to join our team.
Why I thought I had to have one of these is beyond me. Why do I need a machine to tell me I am overweight and mention that I need to exercise daily? I know that! The simplest activity on this thing makes me so sore I can’t walk right for two days! Please tell me what muscle do you use when you hula-hoop? I didn’t think you should use any but apparently you use your side ab muscles for this activity. I ROCK on this by the way. I actually have 3 out of 4 stars on this workout.
Another area that I Rock – Yoga. Can’t believe that because the one yoga class I took bored me and I wanted to pull my hair out because of that music. Luckily, they don’t play music on WiiFit. I can crank my big hair ‘80s music while I torture myself. Any way most of the Yoga poses I am again 3 out of 4 stars. Two I even got 100% of the full 4 stars. But how bad of balance do you have if you can’t do the Warrior pose. I’ll have to see if Campbell can do it. He needs to work on the balance too. But to encourage me to keep going we are getting a team together for LiveHealthyiowa let me know if you want to join our team.
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